Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] in bed " in BNC.

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1 Being with a prostitute is different from meeting a girl at a party and ending up in bed together , although there 's no difference in the mechanics of the sex .
2 Similarly , one minute I 'm a busy wide-awake person , and the next , when the decision has been made to go to sleep , I 'm a wide-awake person lying down in bed .
3 He may practise lifting the pelvis in order to turn sideways , which is an essential pattern for turning over in bed .
4 Would I perhaps welcome the security of a helicopter , or welcome the security of waking up in bed to find that it was all a dream and I had n't actually gone hill-walking at all because I had a date with Gerard Depardieu ?
5 And before I could resolve the problem I was struggling up in bed , in the pitch blackness , reaching for the shrilling telephone .
6 He walked out , closing the door firmly , and Maggie quickly switched off the lamp , huddling down in bed and waiting for her heart to right itself .
7 Flinging over in bed for the hundredth time , she tried to ignore the subtle , spreading ache in her stomach whenever she thought about Roman 's last hungrily demanding kiss …
8 The thought of her husband fumbling around in bed and urgently attempting to rouse her left her feeling suddenly depressed .
9 Geraldine hardly had time to boil the kettle , to make a cup of coffee , to toast a slice of bread between shots of Alan being rescued , wearing a blanket and sitting up in bed in pyjamas .
10 Would she have enjoyed him so much if she had thought the whole thing permanent ? she asked herself sternly now , sitting up in bed and shaking off the poppy and mandragora effect that thinking about that summer had on her .
11 Arty was sitting up in bed , his hair shining from a liberal application of something that looked and smelled like perfumed vaseline and came from a jar labelled Easi-Gro .
12 He realised how odd he must look , sitting up in bed , silver bristling his cheeks , coffee mug in one hand , long-barrelled pistol in the other .
13 ‘ There you are , ’ said Patrick , who was sitting up in bed .
14 When , at last , some nasty little spots began to appear , and he had spent the last night of the year sitting up in bed and holding his pyjama jacket away from his afflictions , Joan put her foot down .
15 She was sitting up in bed showing off her sunburn .
16 The bibulous and imperious Tennyson captained Hampshire until 1933 , and lived until 1951 , dying , it has been said , ‘ like an English gentleman , sir ; sitting up in bed , reading The Times newspaper . ’
17 Sitting up in bed , I scanned the article , which the News of the World claimed was an exclusive interview .
18 He had gone up as usual to turn Willie 's lamp down and had found him sitting up in bed with one of his library books lying open on his knees .
19 She was sitting up in bed learning the chant which was to be tested the next day .
20 I was surprised to find Liza sitting up in bed reading one of her romances .
21 She was sitting up in bed , her glasses already adorning her gaunt face and her hair curled up tightly on rollers .
22 Piggott was sitting up in bed , laughing at reports in American newspapers that his legendary 44-year career is finished .
23 There was a long pause during which a kind of stage fright seized me and perhaps him too : we remained in our positions , Richard sitting up in bed and me standing at the window , looking at each other helplessly like actors who have forgotten their lines .
24 We had a première of Requiem , and one of the main critics had a real go at it — and at me — and I remember sitting up in bed with Andrew and just wanting to weep .
25 She was sitting up in bed , and she drank , spluttered , and grinned .
26 Philpott was sitting up in bed , his face hidden behind a copy of the New York Times .
27 She found him sitting up in bed , a score of his medical texts and notes scattered across the heavy coverlet .
28 Like the exiled Scots sitting up in bed with his cap on in Sidney Royal Infirmary , asked by the retired sister who visited people like him who had no friends how old he was , he says ninety two .
29 She was sitting up in bed listening to the radio on the headphones .
30 Then we had tea together with me sitting up in bed in my dressing-gown .
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