Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] a suitable " in BNC.

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1 But when you are looking for a suitable speech you ca n't really reject anything familiar solely because you think it might bore the panel .
2 While these arrangements were being formulated , the developer was looking for a suitable building .
3 SEC staffers are looking for a suitable test case to take to court .
4 And for this reason we are looking for a suitable name .
5 Corbett was looking for a suitable place as the crowd began to disperse when Benstede returned , accompanied by a thin , stooping figure with watery eyes , a drinker 's red nose and a wispy beard .
6 During the mid 1970s Californian collector Gary Harris was looking for a suitable warbird to acquire and restore .
7 We were just looking for a suitable warren to send our ferrets down to flush out the occupants .
8 Rather than rent a building , the company decided to build its own offices and then spent 18 months to two years looking for a suitable area .
9 Nor do I have the time to go looking for a suitable crew . ’
10 His eyes ran down the list , looking for a suitable saint 's name .
11 These points will , I hope , give you some guidelines to judging the temperament of a strange horse , whether you are looking for a suitable horse to buy , or deciding which way to handle a particular animal .
12 The paper offers a model derived from ‘ job search theory ’ which is concerned with the optimal behaviour of an unemployed individual who is searching for a suitable job in the labour market .
13 Such an approach enables active work to go on at all times , including those when no change of placement is contemplated or during periods of waiting for a suitable placement to become available .
14 Should treatment be withheld and the available donor organs donated to ‘ more suitable ’ patients or should such ill patients be actively treated while waiting for a suitable donor organ , thus leading to a potential increase in the number of stable patients likely to deteriorate while awaiting ‘ elective ’ transplantation ?
15 Currently , with strong competition from many units throughout Europe for available organs , many patients similar to those described herein would die waiting for a suitable donor organ .
16 The new pool owner will almost certainly feel some concern for the waterlilies during the winter but , providing they are growing in a suitable depth of water , they will overwinter perfectly .
17 I drew with appropriate colours , starting with a suitable mid tone for a rough shaded drawing .
18 You can still signal using your arms , provided you 're standing against a suitable background .
19 Most patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy lose their independent mobility and may be confined to a wheelchair by the age of 12 , but many spend some time standing with a suitable support .
20 Men were also in demand for fetching and carrying At a suitable moment after the meal a plate or basket was passed round each table and the guests put in their subscriptions .
21 Arriving at a suitable pitching site , I would erect the tent and Pete would fetch water and have a brew ready by the time we piled in .
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