Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] the edge " in BNC.

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1 Walling may have one or two faces , so a one-face finish may not be suitable for using as the edge of a tread instead of a paving slab , but would be for use underneath the slab .
2 Starting from the clubhouse on the first day and walking along the edge of the wood we came to a piece of natural grassland studded with patches of purpose tufted vetch and orchids growing among the unmown grass .
3 He was still walking along the edge — a tatty sort of boy/ man ( hard to tell ) .
4 Then Hughes , for so long dogged by the determined attentions of marker Guennady Fillimonov , suddenly shook himself into space before blasting from the edge of the box but Podshivalov reacted superbly .
5 Indeed , if so much is happening on the edges , one is obliged to ask again what is characteristic of the period .
6 McCoist 's header fell invitingly to Hateley , who was lurking on the edge of the Leeds penalty area .
7 A wooden gate at the side of the house led to a neatly tended garden at the back , the lawn sloping down to the river , with a path of paving stones laid along the middle , ending on the edge of the waters at what looked like a small landing-stage , perhaps once used to moor a small boat or punt , but apparently ( as Lewis shone his torch across it ) not in recent use .
8 This offers a fine variety of climbing on the edge of Haskett gully .
9 As the acrid smoke cleared , the Marines advanced , keeping to the edges of the doorway , which was not locked , the mechanism apparently having jammed .
10 The first French skirmishers were appearing at the edge of the trampled area .
11 She glanced skyward again , where a brighter haze was appearing at the edge of the cloud , and made a sound of mingled anger and helplessness , clutching Isabel tighter .
12 And perhaps in the minds of many , the memories of their tragic stay in Oxford were slowly softening at the edges .
13 The head deals with the first , class teachers with the second , and there is little blurring at the edges .
14 Often at this time of day , when he felt the day 's journey should be ending or reaching a destination , but knowing that it was not , knowing that what he was looking for probably happened after everybody else had gone home , he wished that he could end his days walking at the edge of a sea or a lake so big that you could n't see its other shore .
15 He leans over and begins gently tonguing around the edges of Zeke 's nipple .
16 Gone is their habit of rounding off the edges — The Tambourines now make them as jagged as possible ; aggressive , articulate and brain blastingly loud .
17 Gone is their habit of rounding off the edges — The Tambourines now make them as jagged as possible ; aggressive , articulate and brain blastingly loud .
18 From living near the edge of a hot , steamy jungle in Army married quarters and coming back to England to live in a little house in Catterick Camp with snow everywhere , myself and my son , who was eight years old at the time , were sitting eating porridge feeling miserable and cold waiting for a plumber to come and mend a burst pipe .
19 Green leaves and curling tendrils were escaping under the edge of the dome like curly hair from beneath a helmet .
20 And yet his stories are powerful studies of those living on the edge of life ; of the bitterness and intangible hostility that are the real consequences of deprivation , misfortune and wasted lives .
21 In almost every case , the concerned parties believed that , by living on the edge , they 'd somehow gain insights denied normal , everyday people .
22 ‘ You will continually be living on the edge of a volcano ’ , wrote Hatton offering advice to budding youth workers , ‘ for no one can know when an outburst of general indiscipline will occur . ’
23 After all , many of the communities living on the edge of a protected area have traditionally enjoyed hunting rights in the area itself .
24 Sometimes it was like living on the edge
25 People seemed to be living on the edge of their nerves .
26 Thus , the dairymen who farmed the lush meadows of the Dove Valley geared their husbandry to a different system from that followed by the sheep-and-corn farmers on the Lincolnshire Wolds , and the range of opportunities for earning a living and for gaining some measure of independence from a lord or squire was much greater for a cottager living on the edge of a moor , forest or marsh than the scope available to his counterpart in one of the nucleated , corn-growing villages of the Midland Plain .
27 Living on the edge : A dare-devil walk into the record books .
28 We have been living on the edge for a number of weeks waiting for this decision to be made known . ’
29 ‘ The whiting cooked with its tail in its mouth teaches us to think all round a problem , ’ answered Auguste , lovingly poking back one tail that was sprawling over the edge of his basket .
30 ‘ What happened to your girlfriend ? ’ she asked , perching on the edge of the white wrought-iron table beside him .
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