Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [art] higher " in BNC.

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1 The TV companies that own ITN are also clamouring for a higher bid .
2 It is probable that the numbers qualifying for the higher rate will be significantly reduced .
3 The convention is sustained , but subtly mocked , in Twelfth Night , where Viola , bearing the suit of Orsino , waits until Maria leaves before launching into the higher style appropriate to romance ( I.v.167ff . ) .
4 This input is not only welcome from those climbing in the higher grades ; opinions about all the climbs are valid , with the need for accurate lower grade route descriptions being vital .
5 Here , newcomers do compete with the locals , contributing to a higher demand for rural housing which , together with the restricted supply , has led to extensive changes in the nature of the rural housing market .
6 Try climbing to a higher altitude .
7 Surely someone moving toward the light ought to measure it traveling at a higher speed than someone moving in the same direction as the light ; yet the experiment showed that both observers would measure exactly the same speed .
8 The cry by 1901 was for educated men ‘ of good social standing ’ to become ministers : ‘ Such men … are more needed now than before Board Schools provided hearers whose improved education demands preaching of a higher order than formerly . ’
9 It is all part of Roddick 's determination to imbue retailing with a higher status in society .
10 But Owen 's bowmen were swarming along the higher shoulders of Bryn Glas and shooting down upon them , and upon the struggling men-at-arms ; and they had the advantage of better positions and better sighting , and skill and marksmanship at least equal .
11 Early indications that importers are having difficulty in passing on the higher costs of imports , and the latest savings ratio of 11.6 per cent in 1992 , compared with 9.7 in 1991 and 12.4 in 1981 , caused little surprise .
12 Maximum and/or minimum levels of payment may be fixed or employees may receive an allowance according to the higher of two different figures : a percentage of salary or a flat-rate payment .
13 References are generally oblique : for instance in the argument that if a woman had enough education to do the job , she was probably " in a class aspiring to a higher social position " .
14 Erm I mean the if you , if you 're looking at erm at er at , at , at the costs on that erm I mean do you , do you think that er er that that 's a reasonable sum to , to actually put aside ea each month to provide that sort of protection or , or perhaps you ought to be thinking of , of looking at a higher figure .
15 Compaq Computer Corp took the lead in the European portable personal computer market in the first quarter of 1993 according to Dataquest figures which give Compaq 22% by value and 17.5% by volume , and the manufacturer says that shipments in the period were up 89% on the first quarter of 1992 , growing four times the rate of the market , which expanded 21% — and those figures reveal the reason that Dell Computer Corp has stumbled badly in laptops and notebooks : buyers are going for the higher cost 80486-based machines that abound in Compaq 's line , while Dell 's product emphasises low-price 80386SX-based machines .
16 Erm you will also in going for the higher end of the range , er be prejudicing the urban regeneration objectives of those neighbouring districts .
17 Evidence from both cities supports the contention that the informal sector in services and labour intensive manufacturing is growing alongside the higher status sectors of the economy .
18 They are thought to have formed by partial melting of subducted oceanic crust — a process that would have been much more widespread early in Earth history than at present , owing to the higher thermal gradients prevailing at that time .
19 factors such as the protein erythropoietin can stimulate red blood cell amplification and there is an increased production of erythropoietin when there is a shortage of oxygen , caused , for example , by going to a higher altitude .
20 I 'm going to the higher class or whatever
21 Studentships are offered for postgraduate study within the field of Humanities at universities and certain other institutions of higher education ; they are available for certain courses of study and research leading to a higher degree , and for certain certificate or diploma courses not covered by the bursary scheme .
22 For example a studentship to undertake research leading to a higher degree can cost as little as five hundred pound per year for the three years .
23 On surfacing , the rate again speeds up , generally remaining at the higher level until the carbon dioxide content of the exhaled air has returned to normal — usually in a few seconds .
24 ( Cassettes of the album were already filtering into the higher regions of the music press ) .
25 A growing number of nurses are making a personal contribution to clinical research : some are even aiming for a higher degree .
26 Because industrial growth has been so fast there is virtually full employment , with a particular shortage of staff at the clerical/secretarial level , since the new generation of university-educated Singaporeans is aiming for the higher paid jobs .
27 Also , the demographic structure was gradually shifting towards a higher representation of older age-groups ( 12 per cent aged 65 years or over in 1951 , compared with 3.5 per cent in 1901 ) , and changes in household composition produced increasing numbers of elderly people living alone ( Wall 1982 ) .
28 The push towards university status by Bell College at Hamilton is mirrored by a move in Fife this week , which could see another further education centre breaking into the higher education field .
29 This is consistent with Rb 3 C 60 having a stronger electron-phonon coupling constant ( resulting in a higher T c ) than K 3 C 60 ( ref. 9 ) .
30 Hence in cells such as HeLa cells which contain the cervical protein , the octamer motif acts as a positive element both in the context of the HPV-16 URR and in a heterologous promoter , resulting in a higher level of gene expression when it is functional .
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