Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] support for " in BNC.

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1 WORLD rugby officials yesterday risked a damaging political backlash by reaffirming their support for a South African-held World Cup in 1995 .
2 The US State Department , while reaffirming its support for Mobutu remaining in power during the period of transition to democracy , also accused him of undermining the reform process and warned against further military attacks on peaceful protesters .
3 The association , all of whose members are required to sign a statement pledging their support for the use of animals in research , is planning to raise the issue with the Medical Research Council .
4 AS THE general election campaign gets under way , leading Cleveland councillors marked yesterday 's Vote for Democracy Day by pledging their support for democracy in South Africa .
5 But a new EC directive is in danger of denying our support for some of the most exciting organic wines .
6 The USSR noted ‘ with satisfaction ’ that ‘ Iran is expressing its support for the world-wide democratic international Non-Aligned Movement ’ .
7 China was more reserved , expressing its support for some of the principles in the declaration .
8 Finally , thank you to all those readers who wrote from smallholdings all over Britain expressing their support for the John McCarthy campaign .
9 The two sides also issued a joint statement expressing their support for making Antarctica an international nature reserve , as first proposed by the French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau .
10 Only by refusing all compromise and inviting martyrdom could the NCF hope to sabotage the workings of the Military Service Act and shock the public into reconsidering its support for the war .
11 The Democratic Party presidential nominee , Bill Clinton , had attempted to take advantage of renewed concern over the availability of abortion by restating his support for the right to choose , and by promising that , if elected President , he would appoint to the Supreme Court only judges who supported Roe v. Wade .
12 The more conservative Viktor Chernomyrdin was voted in after Yeltsin was pressured into withdrawing his support for Gaidar .
13 Mr Rifkind , the Transport Secretary , retained his Edinburgh Pentlands seat — a result seen as justifying Mr Major 's decision to confront demands for devolution and separation by emphasising his support for the continued union between Scotland and the rest of the UK .
14 President Boris Yeltsin of Russia , emphasising his support for Shevardnadze 's insistence on Georgia 's territorial integrity , condemned the their actions .
15 Does he agree that when terrorists inflict danger and disruption on ordinary people anywhere — in Britain , Northern Ireland or anywhere else — they are not so much demonstrating their support for any cause as demonstrating their hatred and opposition to every community ?
16 In the culmination of a week of street unrest , the Moneda presidential palace was the scene of violent clashes on Nov. 12 when the security forces moved to disperse protesters demonstrating their support for four political prisoners critically ill in hospital after a six-week hunger strike .
17 The University is committed to continuing its support for Oxford 's great historical collections ( including the Bodleian Library and the Ashmolean , Pitt Rivers , and University Museums ) , which form a national , and international , resource for scholarship , and to maintaining acquisitions in its central research libraries ( Bodleian , Ashmolean and Taylorian ) at a level commensurate with their responsibilities to the international scholarly community .
18 Meanwhile , THE JESUS AND MARY CHAIN along with HAPPY MONDAYS , THE SHAMEN and SILVERFISH are amongst the bands lending their support for a new Charter 88 campaign against violations of human rights in Britain .
19 The speech outlining government policy at the opening of the parliamentary session was delivered by King Hussein himself — a move which was interpreted as underlining his support for the new government of Ibn Shaker .
20 Electoral studies of the period show that an increasing number of people were making their support for one or other of the main parties conditional upon the calculation of ‘ rational self-interest ’ or ‘ governmental competence ’ , rather than basing their voting upon a ‘ class reflex ’ .
21 Reiterating their support for Greek autonomy , they declared that , if the Turks did not accept international mediation within a month , they would enter into commercial relations with the Greeks and " determine the ulterior measures to which it may become necessary to resort " .
22 In addition , the company is extending its support for tennis by sponsoring LTA Rover squad coach , Ian Barclay .
23 IAN RUTHERFORD Taking steps : marchers take part in the demonstration in Dundee at the weekend showing their support for the 340 strikers sacked by Timex
24 , The UK government is reviewing its support for renewable energy projects .
25 ‘ Our bottom line is that we will be increasing and accelerating our support for Russia 's democracy , ’ he said .
26 Any state whose parliament " does not feel able to approve the irrevocable fixing of its currency " could opt out by seeking " exemption " from this stage of economic union ; member states would nevertheless be asked to make a solemn ( non-binding ) declaration proclaiming their support for a " swift transition " to EMU and " their strongest intention to participate in EMU without exemption " .
27 Representatives of Conservative Central Office helped Heseltine 's local constituency association to draft a public reply to his open letter declaring its support for the leadership .
28 After the NAC had reluctantly accepted this view the Keighley Conference of 1936 censured it , declaring its support for sanctions .
29 Councils run by all groupings and more importantly on the whole er by none at all er through independent councillors at parish level and they have responded with that united voice , declaring their support for a separate Cornish constituency and it might er bear remarking as I think members on all sides of this house are aware , getting that kind of agreement between councils at different tiers and in different areas of the county is pretty remarkable in itself .
30 He said he was surprised journalists could compromise their impartiality in covering a matter of public interest by declaring their support for one side or the other .
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