Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 According to the report , the proposed staffing structures for the projected new unitary authorities do not appear to be capable of maintaining the current level and quality of services and management practices .
2 Electronic advances have to be balanced against the priority of maintaining the necessary level of acquisitions , for instance .
3 Both LEEL , which put up £75,000 , and the region , are understood to hold deep reservations about maintaining the same level of support .
4 To give some flavour of the possibilities , we represent below a header for the same text[5] first using the minimal level of required encoding :
5 Because of the consciousness of using the correct level of language in a conversation or discussion , any interpreter one engages may unconsciously modify statements going from English to Japanese and back to English again , according to the rank of the people involved .
6 The average group however choose private provision when G is low or medium , hence preferring the lower level of state spending , but switch to public provision when G is high , this being their overall preferred level .
7 It accepts dictation at up to 70 words a minute and was designed to assist organisations producing large quantities of business documentation that encounter delays in transcribing data and for those demanding the highest level of accuracy , such as reporters , medical workers , law enforcement agents , scientists and researchers .
8 These US estimates tend to emphasize direct rather than opportunity costs , partly reflecting the lower level of welfare support especially for the higher education of children .
9 The talks , which had begun in September 1990 with the objects of easing political and military tension on the Korean peninsula and of promoting greater links between the two states , had involved three meetings between delegations led by the premiers of the two countries , thereby representing the highest level of contact ever achieved by the two countries .
10 Stage 2 : Determining the level of assessment — Making an initial identification of need and matching the appropriate level of assessment to that need .
11 Commission vice-president Martin Bangemann explained that the measure had been framed under Single Market ‘ fast-track ’ procedures in which final approval is subject to qualified majority in the Council of Ministers on matters necessitating a high level of public protection .
12 Levels of investment are important to economic growth , and it is often considered a ‘ good thing ’ to stimulate growth by inducing a higher level of investment .
13 " If they think they can discover the lost vein , or by driving a new level find a fresh one , they will do one or the other for their own advantage " .
14 Before the debate , Gerald Kaufman , the party 's foreign affairs spokesman , criticised the resolution for its imprecision in not giving a time scale , and for ambiguity in not defining the precise level of spending required .
15 For example , National & Provincial Building Society offered a mortgage helpline and hints for those who might have difficulty meeting the new level of payments .
16 Eventually such businesses will , on any improvement in the marketplace , be put up for sale , this will have a potential for further depressing the general level of prices .
17 Ernest Marples became Minister of Transport and succeeded in establishing a new level of priority for road and transport matters .
18 To open yourself up to someone like that , I am a failure , then you 're kind of establishing a different level of relationship are n't you .
19 More generally , over the 1950s and early 1960s many employers ‘ hoarded ’ labour in the expectation of government sustaining a buoyant level of domestic demand .
20 Ultimately there would be a depreciation of the exchange rate under a free-floating regime , but the policy response of the government has been to prevent this occurring by sustaining a high level of domestic interest rates .
21 One problem For the Chinese is in guaranteeing a consistent level of purity to customers .
22 Similarly with regard to attitudes to management , the British workers fitted the Blauner model , expressing a high level of contentment with existing procedures of decision making and a consensus about organisational goals , whereas the French saw their enterprises as socially dichotomous and exploitative .
23 International Seacontrol is designed to help ship operators in a recession-hit marine industry who are increasingly under pressure to reduce operating costs while sustaining an acceptable level of maintenance .
24 I mean most projects start with some introduction which is related to extant material , whether it 's fine art or fabric design or whatever , and then to analysing the basic level , as it were , up to the appropriate level for the age group .
25 The Nikkei index has fallen by 60 per cent from its peak , and is now testing the 17,000 level .
26 Below them , and clearly marking the low-tide level , extended a perennial covering of pink crustose algae ( Lithothamnion , Lithophyllum ) .
27 Ultimately , though , Live have a way to go if they are to find the rock niche they seek and ‘ Mental Jewelry ’ — despite possessing a great level of enthusiasm and commitment — is not representative enough of any one particular musical genre to fully captivate a specific audience .
28 Every fan has a personal memory , a wild weekend at Wembley , a night at the dancing , a rammy at the taxi-rank , and sooner or later a Scottish footballer staggers through the story adding a new level of absurdity to the proceedings .
29 CytR has extensive homology with well-characterized DNA binding proteins like LacI and GalR that contact palindromic sites via two identical subunits ( 28–31 ) , and specifically CytR contains a region exhibiting a high level of homology with the α-helix-turn-α-helix motif found in the DNA binding domain of several well-characterized DNA binding proteins ( 32 ) .
30 The growing economic and physical hardships of the later stages of the Pacific War , and the inability of the authorities reformed with a view to providing equality of opportunity , in the hope that this would back up a new , genuinely democratic social structure permitting a high level of individual social mobility .
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