Example sentences of "[num] months at [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been at that school for two terms , eight months at the most .
2 Yesterday , Campbell Hynd , 21 , of Walker 's Wynd , Edinburgh , was jailed for 30 months at the High Court in Edinburgh after admitting two charges of wilful fire-raising .
3 This means that your monthly payments are the same for 12 months at a time , unlike the standard variable rate , which goes up and down as base rates change .
4 At best the Unix business has three more months to get its act together , maybe 12 months at the outside , before irreversible damage sets in .
5 Lancastrian Peter Ellis has spent 12 months at the town 's Arts Centre working with everyday objects and fashioning them into works of art for his Funny Energy exhibition .
6 In spite of the slimmest Jewish credentials , a surname inherited from a non-practising father , she spent six months at a yeshiva in the ultra-orthodox Mea Shearim quarter of Jerusalem .
7 Thereafter , warrants were issued for only two months , though they could be renewed for one month at a time in the case of those issued to the police , and six months at a time in the case of those issued to the security services .
8 But it is also true that warrants to the security services may be renewed for six months at a time .
9 It was intended that John would spend six months at a time with each of his parents , but when Grace was due to have him back , Herbert took her into John 's room , which was the larger of the two bedrooms in the flat .
10 It is not fair to say the City will only look at it six months at a time . ’
11 In other words , if I was going to go on location and disappear from home for six months at a time , forget it .
12 AND so Ed and Kath decide to keep mum about Mr Sloane 's murder of their father , preferring to share him , turn and turn about , six months at a time , Ed 's turn first since Kath is pregnant with Sloane 's child .
13 Inspectors now will be assigned to testing for only six months at a time to prevent further loss .
14 progressed more than six months at the date of travel .
15 Spent six months at the University once to learn German .
16 He was sentenced to six months at the Narcotics Rehabilitation Center of the Chino State Penitentiary .
17 She was born in the Rhondda Valley in 1939 and trained at the Birmingham College of Art and Crafts and at the Royal Academy Schools in 1965 , when she was living in Smethwick in the West Midlands , she won a Cinzano Art Foundation Award with her painting The Whale , which enables her to spend six months at the Academy of Fine Art in Rome .
18 I had spent six months at the Admiralty 's expense at Cambridge acquiring an interpretership in Russian .
19 And you have resided for the last six months at the and at er ?
20 And you have resided for the last six months at the Railway Hotel and at er ?
21 " The first six months at the ICO were definitely a period of strange readjustment . "
22 De Michelis said that Italy ( which was to assume the EC presidency for six months at the end of June 1990 ) would work to accelerate the process whereby the three countries drew closer to the EC .
23 He indicated that multiparty elections would be held in six months at the earliest , and appointed a commission of experts to draft a constitution , as well as an election law and an election timetable .
24 Six months at the outside is n't it , this works for ?
25 YORK Minster 's bells rang out over the city for the first time in six months at the weekend their longest break since the Second World War .
26 Throughout his nineteen months at the Board of Trade his principal public service was that of observing the Prime Minister with an increasingly jaundiced eye .
27 She says she was mentally and physically abused by her boyfriend , but after 10 months at the hostel with her 2 young sons she 's starting to turn her life around .
28 Such an order permits a child to be held in secure accommodation for up to three months at a first hearing , and six months on renewal .
29 ‘ I would n't mind going out there for two or three months at a time but not permanently . ’
30 Hamilton was based in the press office but seconded for three months at a time to other departments , including the news room .
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