Example sentences of "[num] was appoint [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From 1708 he was the City mason , and in 1720 was appointed master mason to Westminster Abbey .
2 Then in 1870 he moved to London to a post as an articled clerk , and in 1877 was appointed librarian of the Incorporated Law Society .
3 Since then he has operated from various locations and in 1979 was appointed barley buyer for the north of England , based at Knapton .
4 He applied unsuccessfully for the chair of technology at Edinburgh , and in 1862 was appointed keeper of minerals to the Royal Dublin Society , His meteorological output was confined to the translation of Dove 's book but in 1866 he was approached by his intimate friend ( Sir ) Edward Sabine [ q.v. ] , then at the height of his influence as president of the Royal Society and prospective chairman of the new meteorological committee , and was offered the directorship of the Meteorological Office .
5 He was knighted in 1915 , and in 1917 was appointed KCB .
6 In 1951 he received the Godman Salvin medal of the British Ornithologists ' Union , and in 1957 was appointed CBE for services to ornithology .
7 But another historian calls him one of James II 's ‘ Whig collaborators ’ : he avoided Monmouth 's rebellion , distrained on three rebel tenants , and in 1688 was appointed JP and nominated by James 's electoral agents .
8 Richards entered the Royal Navy in 1832 and in 1835 was appointed midshipman in the survey ship Sulphur , serving in the Pacific under Captain ( Sir ) Edward Belcher [ q.v . ] .
9 He became involved in Whig politics and in 1680 was appointed trustee of the estate of Anthony Ashley Cooper , first Earl of Shaftesbury [ q.v . ] .
10 He exercised increasing influence over the College and in 1860 was appointed delegate protector .
11 In 1836 , Hunt had produced , single-handed , a detailed estimate of the cost of the Houses of Parliament for Sir Charles Barry , and on Barry 's recommendation in April 1841 was appointed Surveyor to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey .
12 Martha Lovelace became a maid of honour to Queen Caroline in 1732 and in 1756 was appointed housekeeper of Windsor Castle .
13 It is likely that he was the John Benet of London , clerk , who in 1443 was appointed master of the six choristers of St Anthony 's Hospital in the City of London .
14 Bernard , count of Barcelona , the most obvious beneficiary of the disputes , in 829 was appointed chamberlain , a post that involved close collaboration with the queen .
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