Example sentences of "[num] announce [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A well-known newspaper article in 1935 announcing the closure referred to the family atmosphere of the line .
2 An Interior Ministry communiqué cited in broadcasts on Dec. 2 announced a curfew from Dec. 5 in Algiers and in the provinces of Tipaza , Boumerda , Blida , Medea and Bouira between 10.30 p.m. and 5 a.m , in a further crackdown on Islamic militants [ see p. 39215 ] .
3 The Economics Ministry on Nov. 22 announced the lifting of a 40-year ban on free direct trade with North Korea .
4 The European Communities on March 22 announced an emergency aid grant worth US$12,000,000 to Somalia , and the German government on March 27 said that food aid worth DM2,120,000 ( about US$1,270,000 ) would be shipped to Somalia before the end of April .
5 The government on Oct. 22 announced an amnesty , the fifth of its kind , for members of the separatist Shanti Bahini ( Peace Force ) based in the Chittagong Hill Tracts [ see also pp. 37205 ; 38289 ] .
6 A joint statement on Dec. 12 announced the opening of a Soviet consulate general in New York and a US consulate general in Kiev .
7 The International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) on Jan. 7 announced the provision of resources worth US$1,800 million to Czechoslovakia , to be made available over the next 14 months .
8 The government on Aug. 10 announced the dismantling of foreign exchange controls on current transactions in an effort to attract more foreign investment .
9 The Vietnamese Prime Minister , Vo Van Kiet , on March 26 announced a ban on the export of all raw and sawn timber in an effort to conserve forests .
10 Tudjman on Feb. 26 announced the demobilization of 20,000 Croatian reservists .
11 President Mitterrand of France and Chancellor Helmut Kohl of West Germany on April 26 announced an initiative for negotiations ( reportedly sponsored by Bush ) , involving Lithuania 's temporary suspension of its independence declaration to enable Soviet-Lithuanian talks to start .
12 The debate over the most effective way to promote management education in general and to ensure effective provision in the public sector institutions led the Secretary of State in March 1971 to announce a plan for the creation of twelve Regional Management Centres ( RMCs ) .
13 For these three reasons , therefore , the Board of Education Circular No. 1567 of late 1941 announced the government 's aim of increasing milk consumption among schoolchildren to as near 100% as possible .
14 The German government on March 21 announced the abandonment of the Kalkar prototype fast-breeder nuclear reactor project , after nearly 20 years of opposition from environmentalists , farmers and the Social Democrat administration of the Land of North-Rhine Westphalia .
15 The World Bank on Aug. 5 announced a $250,000,000 17-year loan to help the country import basic goods during a period of transition from communist to capitalist economic policies .
16 The Speaker of the House , Thomas S. Foley , on Aug. 5 announced the establishment of a two-pronged official inquiry into the October Surprise allegations .
17 The new Home Affairs Minister on May 4 announced a series of procedural changes designed to improve public confidence in the police and to prevent further instances of brutality .
18 In September BBC Radio 4 announced the planning of a new programme .
19 President Joao Bernardo Vieira on Nov. 4 announced the postponement until March 1993 of legislative and presidential elect-ions which had originally been scheduled for Nov. 15 and Dec. 13 respectively .
20 The government on Dec. 4 announced the arrest of an unspecified number of people who , it said , had been implicated in a coup attempt on Nov. 27 .
21 After two days of talks held near Lisbon ( Portugal ) , between MPLA-PT and UNITA representatives , UNITA on June 18 announced the withdrawal of its delegation " for consultations " ; the two sides reportedly agreed only that further talks would be held [ see p. 37365 for April 1990 first official direct talks between the two sides ] .
22 President F. W. de Klerk on Oct. 18 announced the lifting of the state of emergency in Natal , declaring that conditions in the troubled province had " sufficiently stabilized " .
23 President Ramiz Alia also on Dec. 11 announced the removal of five well-known opponents of reform from the 11-member politburo of the ruling communist Party of Labour ( PLA ) , and instructed the Prime Minister , Adil Carcani , to prepare a government reshuffle [ see below ] .
24 Under pressure from the IMF and donor country governments to cut expenditure , President Robert Mugabe on July 3 announced a reshuffle which reduced his Cabinet to 19 members .
25 Fujimori had on July 3 announced the capture by security forces of Luis Arana Franco , said to be the Shining Path 's logistics chief .
26 Jan Vrba , the Czech Minister of Industry , in London on June 13 announced a privatization programme affecting over 50 large industrial enterprises with a total combined workforce of 800,000 and annual income of between US$50,000,000 and $500,000,000 .
27 In preparation for the first National Assembly elections , scheduled for Dec. 21 [ see p. 38291 ] , the main opposition Democratic Progressive Party ( DPP ) at its fifth national congress on Oct. 13 announced a draft manifesto containing a new clause pledging to " build a Taiwanese republic with independent sovereignty " and to redefine the territory of Taiwan , subject to a national plebiscite .
28 Ramaema on May 13 announced the repeal of legislation banning political parties and was quoted as promising a restoration of democracy by means of elections by June 1992 .
29 Leaders of the Solidarity trade union on Dec. 8 announced the failure of talks with the government on measures to offset the rising cost of living , including relaxed wage controls , and increases in the minimum wage and pensions .
30 The ceremony was boycotted by the US ambassador despite the fact that the government had on June 16 announced the opening of an inquiry into the events surrounding the violence .
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