Example sentences of "[num] year ['s] worth " in BNC.

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1 The large aeroplane manufacturers have as much as 10 years ' worth of future work on their order books , and an active market has developed among airlines and leasing companies for delivery slots .
2 However , even if 10 years ' worth of rights from an old company pension scheme are commuted to no more than two years ' worth in your new one , it could still be worth accepting , particularly if your new job is likely to produce rapid pay rises .
3 As far as grants are concerned , students who apply for a place are almost certain to have used at least three years ' worth of their local authority grant entitlement while studying at university or polytechnic , and may only be eligible for a further one-year entitlement if they have been accepted at a drama school .
4 The Uranium Institute , based in London , has calculated that the 816 tonnes of HEU that might be released from American and Soviet disarmament could take the place of 166,000 tonnes of natural uranium , roughly three years ' worth of world demand .
5 ( Research and development split between the two lines — currently 50–50 — will soon tip the balance in favour of AViiON , since three years ' worth of products are expected to be squeezed out of the last round of investment in the proprietary line . )
6 Try to stick to the subject of the row rather than bringing up 25 years ' worth of misdemeanours .
7 In England , prior to 1983 , local authorities could receive up to 3 years ' worth of joint finance money .
8 They received this 3 years ' worth of money to set up their new community facilities .
9 The Whitney continues its round robin of mid-career retrospectives for media artists with ‘ Richard Prince ’ , an eighty-five work survey of fifteen years ' worth of work by the forty-three-year-old ‘ appropriationist ’ .
10 The best thing to do would be to put away five years ' worth of umm fees in a high interest building society account and just have a direct debit taken out every term and the fees to go out would n't it .
11 It 's owned and run by Oxfordshire County Council , which is building another much bigger landfill alongside it intended to take twelve year 's worth of south Oxfordshire 's waste .
12 I would have done anything for Charlie , and was , in fact , even now sorting out twenty years ' worth of his possessions .
13 She pressed it with her tongue , as she had pressed hundreds , thousands now , over twenty years ' worth of these papery discs stamped with crosses , made by nuns .
14 Some limited home responsibilities protection was introduced in April 1978 in order to help women in this position , but in order to qualify for a full pension they still require twenty years ' worth of contributions or credits .
15 Twenty years ' worth .
16 We 're taking people on in the copy group and we 've got twenty years ' worth of adverts .
17 It had to look ordinary enough to appeal to a much broader market than the CX , but quirky enough to attract 15 years ' worth of loyal CX owners .
18 Twenty year 's worth of experience in bringing ads together give us and we 've got thousands of examples
19 Golding and Middleton ( 1982 ) analysed press reports in their study of attitudes to poverty , and Ferguson ( 1983 ) analysed thirty years ' worth of three women 's magazines as data for her research into what she calls the ‘ cult of femininity ’ .
20 I spent every last penny of my hoarded misery that night , blew eighteen years ' worth on one split second , and it felt better than anyone who is not a fan can ever be expected to understand .
21 The data bank 's research shows that 45% of Japanese property companies have debts greater than two years ' worth of their sales and 32% have debts greater than three years of sales .
22 It 's two years since we 've done it so we 've got two years ’ worth of playing and they 've got two years ' worth of applause . ’
23 However , even if 10 years ' worth of rights from an old company pension scheme are commuted to no more than two years ' worth in your new one , it could still be worth accepting , particularly if your new job is likely to produce rapid pay rises .
24 As your pension is normally ultimately based on the size of your salary when you retire , the two years ' worth of added rights could still be worth a tidy amount .
25 The union was also left virtually bankrupt , having paid out in five weeks ' strike pay nearly two years ' worth of subscriptions .
26 Is it not also the case that the cost of one or perhaps two years ' worth of the administrative introduction of the NHS changes for the internal market would again result in the same figure ?
27 And essentially you can get two years ' worth of records in , in a storage binder .
28 The floods destroyed the crop completely and the debt is equivalent to four years ' worth of rice crop .
29 Is it not the case that a similar figure would result from calculating seven years ' worth of tax relief for private medical insurance ?
30 We are now left with seven years ' worth of data containing only seasonal and residual effects .
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