Example sentences of "[num] in relation to " in BNC.

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1 Indeed it may well be that a claim for contribution in respect of exemplary damages is not within section 1(1) on the facts of this case , so that one never gets to section 2 in relation to such a claim .
2 These issues are discussed in Chapter 2 in relation to the clauses in the precedent s in that chapter which are affected by this issue .
3 There are many continuities between 1980–1 and 1985 in relation to the common-sense images used in the press and television to cover the events .
4 They replace and revoke earlier Regulations ( SI 1970/992 ) which provided for exemption from s 716 of the CA 1985 in relation to engineers recognised as chartered engineers by the Engineering Council 's predecessor , the Council of Engineering Institutions .
5 RTPA 1976 applies to agreements or arrangements between two or more persons carrying on business in the United Kingdom in the production or supply of goods or services or in the application of a manufacturing process to goods , being agreements in which two or more of the parties accept restrictions in respect of the matters contained in RTPA 1976 , s6 in relation to goods and those contained in reg 3(2) of statutory instrument ( SI ) 1976/98 in relation to services .
6 An offer should only be announced once an irrevocable commitment to provide the necessary funds has been received from a person upon whom reliance can reasonably be placed at that time ( see Panel Notice 1991/4 of 1 May 1991 in relation to Luirc Corp and Merlin International Properties Ltd ) .
7 They will be discussed again in Chapter 10 in relation to hypothesized functions of sleep , but the effects on subsequent recovery sleep , and the consequences for performance tasks will be outlined here .
8 The procedure is similar to that provided by Ord 22 , r 10 in relation to variations ; the judgment creditor may object to the terms offered by the defendant and either party may apply for the order made by the proper officer to be reconsidered by the district judge .
9 As we explain further in Chapter 7 in relation to certain marketing arrangements , the careful planning and drafting of the various categories of agreement covered by block exemptions is of pivotal importance in commercial and corporate planning as a defence to those who may wish to attack commercial agreements of their competitors .
10 The last flowering of this tradition was in the Tyne Conference of Shop Stewards , established in 1975 in relation to the Labour Party 's White Paper on Industrial Strategy and the consequent Industry Act ( see North Tyne side CDP , 1978b ) .
11 Even in the more structured work of surveys HM Inspectors still rely upon informal and holistic methods rather than observation schedules ( a topic we shall consider in Part Three in relation to observation methods ) .
12 There are many factors involved in the exploitation of forests in the developing world , many of which have been discussed in section 7.3 in relation to soil erosion and desertification , not least of which is rapid population growth .
13 imposing in relation to any permitted underletting the same obligations as contained in clause 5.9.6 and in clause[s] 5.9.7 [ 5.9.8 and 5.9.9 ] ] [ 5.9.7 Prior to any permitted underletting to procure that the undertenant enters into direct covenants with the Landlord to the like effect as those contained in clauses 5.9.6 [ and ] 5.9.7 [ 5.9.8 and 5.9.9 ] ] [ 5.9.8 To enforce the performance and observance by every such undertenant of the provisions of the underlease and not at any time either expressly or by implication to waive any breach of the covenants or conditions on the part of any undertenant or assignee of any underlease nor ( without the consent of the Landlord such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed ) vary the terms or accept a surrender of any permitted underlease ] [ 5.9.9 In relation to any permitted underlease :
14 imposing in relation to any permitted underletting the same obligations in clause 5.9.6 and in clause[s] 5.9.7 [ 5.9.8 and 5.9.9 ] ] [ 5.9.7 Prior to any permitted underletting to procure that the undertenant enters into direct covenants with the Landlord to the like effect as those contained in clauses 5.9.6 [ and ] 5.9.7 [ 5.9.8 and 5.9.9 ] ] [ 5.9.8 To enforce the performance and observance by every such undertenant of the provisions of the underlease and not at any time either expressly or by implication to waive any breach of the covenants or conditions on the part of any undertenant or assignee of any underlease nor ( without the consent of the Landlord such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed ) vary the terms of any permitted underlease ] [ 5.9.9 In relation to any permitted underlease to ensure that the rent is reviewed in accordance with the terms of the underlease ]
15 4.6 In relation to past loss the court will usually know all the factors relevant to the assessment of the loss .
16 The former will reappear in chapter 5 in relation to investigations of glaciers , for example , and the latter is the reason for interdisciplinary cooperation that has been stressed in the preceding pages and is further developed in chapter 8 .
17 Bush 's sequence of 35 consecutive vetoes , all upheld in Congress , ended on Oct. 5 in relation to a bill to re-regulate the cable television industry , where charges had risen at twice the rate of inflation since deregulation in 1984 .
18 But aside from this , and not forgetting the important duties laid on LEAs by the Education Act 1981 in relation to children with special educational needs ( discussed in Chapter 4 ) , there was little prescription .
19 A parent will retain his rights under the Education Act 1981 in relation to any assessment of the child 's special educational needs .
20 Table 8.1 indicates that the Conservatives have also virtually halted the trends of the 1970s in relation to wealth .
21 Subject to the foregoing , the form and content of the balance sheets and profit and loss accounts and additional information provided by way of notes must comply with Schedule 4 in relation to individual accounts and with Schedule 4A in relation to group accounts .
22 Once the legal position of the Shops Act 1950 in relation to Community law is clear , I hope to be in a position to recommend a way forward to the House .
23 Here Campra made a special feature of a formula Lully used on occasion : the magic/supernatural music is almost always set in the key of VI in relation to a preceding minor key .
24 Given the stance of policy approved Policy I eleven in relation to B eight development and the fact that we are here discussing an alteration not a review and replacement of the structure plan , does anyone around the table she said looking hard at Mr Saunders , see any difficulty in the panel poten potentially recommending a policy which would be in direct wi conflict with the policy which is not before it ?
25 11.2 In relation to commercial exploitation the Non-academic Parties and the Academic Parties agree that the terms and conditions for exploitation of and licenses granted under intellectual property rights in results deriving from the Academic Parties shall have regard to the extent to which such results are incorporated in or applied to the manufacture of commercially exploited products ( particularly where there had been substantial product development outside the project ) and to the SERC guidelines which are set out in a letter from SERC dated 13 August 1984 , together with its attachments .
26 The decision followed complaints by Danish authorities and independent ship owners ( notably Denmark 's Maersk line ) and is the first fine based on breaches of Arts 85 and 86 in relation to the shipping industry .
27 The range of variation is shown below in Table 5.3 in relation to number of children .
28 This is illustrated by the fact that there is little natural forest left in western Europe as a whole and that forest resources were much prized by colonial powers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries ( see section 4.4.2 in relation to North America ) .
29 This , Eyre opines , is occurring because of social factors similar to those discussed in section 7.2.1 in relation to desertification ; i.e. the need to generate foreign exchange , declining employment opportunity in urban centres and fragmentation of landholdings .
30 And if I can identify some of the thoughts which occurred to me and they are relatively minor points about the wording of I five in relation to the first two criteria .
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