Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [adv] go " in BNC.

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1 Do not just go to the solicitor who did you conveyancing , or walk into your nearest solicitor 's firm on the high street .
2 Again there are several very competent programs available and they would certainly provide considerable advantages over manual systems But they are general purpose in their construction — ie. they were not specifically designed for personnel applications The main deficiency is that the reporting facilities ( iQ the way in which information can be presented ) do not generally go beyond well formatted listings with totals and subtotals In my view , more advanced numerical analyses are required , especially for factors such as wastage and sickness/absence .
3 I do not ordinarily go to Egyptian plays .
4 Youth ( a comparative term in this context ) and experience do not normally go hand in hand .
5 But Galbraith admits there will be more : ‘ Our results could seriously misrepresent the total number because sufferers do not necessarily go to venereologists or dermatologists .
6 You know that I do not necessarily go along with your concept of visual character in the way that you use it , but would the visual character be altered in a way that would cause a coincidence of greenbelt function were that important hedge not in existence on the north side of D thirty nine ?
7 Despite the fact that ‘ if only ’ implies that things could be different , they do not actually go away when the ideal conditions are achieved , they just surface in a new guise .
8 Be warned ; legal cases do not always go the householder 's way , so put away the shotgun and do not get angry when people drop litter on your front lawn .
9 Others have been suggested : to prevent the conduct of government business being unduly hampered and delayed by ‘ excessive ’ litigation ; to reduce the risk that civil servants will behave in over-cautious and unhelpful ways in dealing with citizens for fear of being sued if things go wrong ; to ration scarce judicial resources ; to ensure that the argument on the merits is presented in the best possible way , by a person with a real interest in presenting it ( but quality of presentation and personal interest do not always go together ) ; to ensure that people do not meddle paternalistically in the affairs of others ( query : can representative applicants be accused of this ? ) ; to ensure that the applicant has a personal interest not just an ideological concern in the outcome ( but , query , may not a genuine concern for the interests of others be neither purely personal nor purely ideological ? ) .
10 This operation is another example of how things do not always go according to plan , but with a little luck and a lot of hard work a successful conclusion can be reached .
11 We do not always go on sporting activities , we also went to the theatre to see , ‘ A Midsummer Nights Dream , ’ by William Shakespeare .
12 The two do not always go together and experts who combine the two are in short supply .
13 Do not only go and see them , but take them out or bring them home .
14 In this case it will be as well not to use the bass drum and cymbals simultaneously ( they do not really go particularly well together ) , so that the cymbals can be played in the proper way , one held in each hand .
15 ‘ We have seen people go into the forest from the Ridgery but they do not often go alone like you .
16 His encounters are essentially private in most cases , for polluters do not often go over his head to his superiors , either to negotiate or to complain .
17 You mean you do n't just go — ‘ Hello , I 'm in EMF , fancy a shag ? … ’
18 But I do n't just go in one shop , and I never buy anything without looking at the price .
19 Do n't just go for the figures .
20 Do n't just go along .
21 I do n't just go for the light .
22 Do n't just go into these meetings and sat there like a dumbbell .
23 Apart from anything else , we , we do n't just go to the theatre we have , we really tend to wait to be invited
24 Mica says she thinks this show is really good with Tom recording all different types of music throughtout the series and proves that some singers do n't just go on TV to plug their latest hits , but have influencess and do n't mind talking about them .
25 We do n't just go in and teach them .
26 Something left undealt with is invariably going to recur and cause trouble in the future — things do n't just go away because the possibility to talk about them is n't there . ’
27 Some of these projects I mean just are ongoing , you do n't just go to a meeting and
28 He said that a man who 's gon na build a , build something , let's put it in a modern setting , the man who 's gon na , a man and woman , a couple are gon na put an extension on their house , they do n't just go down and buy a few dozen bricks , er , and a bag cement and start , they work out how much it 's gon na cost them first of all .
29 It wo n't work when you go one nil up , or you 're one nil down , you have to hold something in reserve ; mid-field players have to come back , the forwards have to come back and hold tight , you do n't just go charging up looking to get another goal , or trying to equalize , but that 's the basic error .
30 ‘ You do n't normally go round calling me John all the time . ’
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