Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] [adj] role " in BNC.

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1 Some , e.g. Krieger ( 1983 ) and Sunley ( 1986 ) , stress the crucial role of work organization , and the butty system in particular , whereas others — Waller ( 1983 ) and Rees ( 1985 , 1986 ) — emphasize the power of the colliery companies over their villages , and their monopoly of local labour markets .
2 First , those who stress the symbolic role of leaders , or the concentration of power over a few absolutely critical decisions in the hands of a power elite , view leadership as a zero-sum game .
3 The constructionist accounts also stress the central role of language and communication in the social process of knowledge .
4 PC Fishwick said these two incidents highlight the crucial role the public can play in helping the police to detect crime .
5 Marion Tait and Joseph Cipolla dance the leading roles .
6 Within London , approximately 300 banks ( British and non-British ) offer foreign exchange services but only major banks , e.g. Barclays , Bank of America , Deutsche Bank , provide the dual role of active dealers and market makers .
7 We celebrate the valiant role of certain Christians and church leaders in the struggle for peace , justice and democracy in Africa .
8 When the Birds of Australia was finally completed in June 1848 , Gould generously and justly acknowledge the vital role his amanuensis had played in running the entire business while he was away .
9 But , as with those who emphasize the tutoring role of the adult input in initial language learning , both these authors emphasize the influence of the environment on the repertoire of linguistic resources that the child masters as a result of interaction with members of the family circle .
10 Recent studies , however , suggest a possible role of neutrophils in the early pathogenic process .
11 These findings suggest a possible role for cell-specific expression of ET-1 in the pathogenesis of CFA and associated pulmonary hypertension .
12 Taken together , the two studies suggest a causal role for the experience of poor parenting in childhood in later poor psychosocial functioning .
13 ‘ Community enterprises provide a vital role in enabling communities to develop all kinds of initiatives to deal with economic , social and environmental issues . ’
14 In feeding habits they occupy a similar role to the kites in Europe , Africa and Asia .
15 The regional managers occupy a crucial role in providing a strategic framework for management of the Teacher Placement Service .
16 As a consequence of this , teacher trainers occupy a crucial role , that of developing in students the skills necessary to deliver a centrally defined curriculum package by grade , hour , week and year .
17 The early and abundant expression of N-Oct3 ( brain 2 ) during neural development and the widespread expression in neural- and glial and other neural crest-derived tissues suggest an important role as gene regulator in the nervous system .
18 Second , context-specificity can be observed in conditions that preclude an important role for generalization decrement or other factors that might act by influencing the way in which the CS is perceived .
19 If some anthropologists , such as Geertz , are interested in the webs of significance humans spin for themselves , while others , such as Sahlins , are more focused on the processes of how those webs are spun , both groups reveal the central role of the interpreter in shaping the material to be represented and in organising the structures in which the representations occur .
20 Commonly held ideas restrict the social role and status of older people , structure their expectations of themselves , prevent them achieving their potential and deny them equal opportunities .
21 When we consider the essential role of susceptibility it becomes plain that the people who caught a cold in the bus were ‘ ill ’ before they ever stepped onto it , for if they had been healthy they would never have picked up the bugs in the first place .
22 Much more fittingly , when you consider the vital role she played hustling war time munitions and supplies between depots and docks , she will then haul a demonstration goods train .
23 complete the final role play and come back here at five to three and we 'll look at then step two .
24 That is why we examine the expanded role of all-purpose authorities .
25 That bankers ’ summit at the Bonn Chancellery on 8 August 1990 and a similar blue-ribbon meeting on 6 September underscore the important role West Germany 's big banks are playing in what some observers call the biggest leveraged buy-out in economic history .
26 I accept the valuable role played by the Minister , but does he accept that , although sponsorship is valuable , even more important is the fact that institutions such as the Royal Opera House can not go much further in the sponsorship race and will require funding ?
27 The results confirm the tropic role of CCK after PSBR , and CR-1409 prevents this pancreatic adaptation .
28 Both , as we have already seen , propose definitions of the specifically literary or poetic properties of texts , definitions which assign a dominant role to language , and which treat the relationship between text and author and text and reality as only secondary considerations .
29 It is hoped that this study will remedy the omission and demonstrate a possible role for the ATB in helping the family farmers and part-time farmers .
30 As the trainer you must provide instructions , and the dog will accept this and adopt a subordinate role .
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