Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] a little " in BNC.

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1 I 'm glad there 's somebody 's come up with that one because that 's the only time that you say something a little bit different from the number itself .
2 ‘ And if you pick one of these creatures up and place it a little distance away on the surface of the water , all its fellows will see is that it vanished , and reappeared elsewhere .
3 stop me a little bit .
4 Hold me a little bit .
5 If you grow some of the more vulnerable shrubs in an area where they are on the borderline of hardness , give them a little winter protection .
6 Sometimes we give them a little canvas pack , or they will fasten on to their keeper 's neck or earlobe , armpit or face .
7 We give them a little trinket box or a ring holder , it 's traditional , ’ she explains , in a charmingly deliberate Scots Italian voice .
8 Give me a little credit for having no idea that my own supposed father was running a tape recording of our conversation ! ’ she responded sarcastically .
9 It looks the English breakfast fixing it up for , that 's what and if you , if you want to look at an X-ray , you will see that the arteries of the body , those are the arteries , bring the blood supply is blocked with arteriosclerosis , and there you can see the English breakfast , the yolk of egg , the butter and all these things that are in there , causing a blockage of the artery , not enough to that muscle , and a heart attack , death and all these unbelievable things , that give me a little bit of income .
10 Come on Miss , give me a little song !
11 Give me a little song right here in the microphone .
12 He 's a deep forward square leg and there 's Lawrence about thirty yards away from him a little finer , here 's Tufnell the he cuts it away on the off side , that 's a fine and wide give himself a little bit of room ease that away through extra cover , steward in front of the grandstand , four more , which is the way he plays , sixteen not out .
13 I wish I could help you and give you a little comfort .
14 Right , here 's one where they give you a little bit of the table This this is a That 's a fairly complicated sort of thing that they give on the table , erm give you the valencies and the
15 Give you a little chance to talk and get , catch up with all your news or something I hope you 're not I find it is n't it ? sweet peas .
16 Er , obviously on a more serious note , er it was very disappointing that we had such a severe er downturn in profitability last year after several years of steadily rising profits , and so what I want to do this morning was tell you a little bit about what happened in the last part of the year , since we met at the time of the interim results presentation last September , tell you the actions that have been taken and give you a little bit of insight as to where we stand at the present time .
17 I give you a little bit of warning .
18 Erm on the first bit of the handout I 've stuck a couple of definitions of child sex abuse on , just to um give you a little bit of context an and er give you some idea of the sorts of things that people have the sorts of ways in which people are defining this phenomenon nowadays .
19 Because er while I 've had wedding cake from people and and they give you a little bit and I 've said to you have n't I , well I would n't have bothered giving anybody this .
20 Shirley give her give her a little bit of coaching on the angles and things
21 Give her a little bit of eh leg meat , yeah .
22 She can praise him and give him a little treat .
23 If the sergeant got there before you and did n't find you , he would tap with his signalling stick and it goes for miles in the middle of the night — give him a little tinkle , and you walk towards one another .
24 give him a little walk
25 Give him a little plastic clock .
26 Expansion , give him a little straw out of which he can make the bricks , have a couple of good stories and so on .
27 What we 're trying to do is to write cricket bats , so that when we throw up an idea and give it a little knock , it might … travel …
28 Just give it a little tap .
29 Now if you 're a racing buff , listen out because it 's a superb prize , if you consider yourself a little bit of an expert on the turf that is .
30 Give yourself a little bit of help .
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