Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] support [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I understand perfectly well why that should be so , as the hon. Member for Blackburn ( Mr. Straw ) made clear in the Second Reading debate his support for the higher education reforms , which account for quite a large part of the bulk of the latter part of the Bill .
2 What , what , what , what you 're , what we 're doing erm and hopefully seek their support on , on some areas that literally falls within the Regional er Liaison Group 's remit anyway .
3 Having obtained a papal dispensation , Philip , duke of Burgundy , forsook his support of the settlement made at Troyes and , hence , too , his allegiance to the English as rulers of France .
4 Your sincerely PS Join us today : just fill in the application form in the enclosed leaflet — there 's FREEPOST so you do n't need a stamp — and show your support for the countryside .
5 International Day — the first day that local schools begin their support of their adopted nation in the ‘ Welcome to the World ’ project .
6 Education is important in enabling rural people to organise and plan , as much as it is in ensuring that the urban majority understand the nature of rural problems and lend their support to solving them .
7 And again , because of the nature of the modern economy , these groups would in turn lend their support to pressures for further integration .
8 This week the same group of companies that are backing WABI will turn around and reportedly lend their support to what might as well be called MABI , Apple Computer Inc 's Mac-on-Unix defence against the forces of Microsoft Corp .
9 If you examine these charities , and the pop stars who lend their support to them , it 's like looking at a giant human Venn diagram , with the same sets supporting different charities .
10 Over one point two million houses bought by Council tenants of their own free will , so much so , my Lord Mayor , that some Labour politicians have had no choice but to do a U turn and give their support to the Right to Buy .
11 He said : ‘ How would a political party as totally committed as the Labour Party to equality of treatment and of opportunity for girls and women , lend its support to the introduction of schools in which men exercise all the power , and women are assigned a subordinate and restricted role ? ’
12 Please lend your support to by writing to Tim Eggar MP , Minister for Energy , Department of Trade & Industry , Ashdown House , 123 Victoria Street , London SW1E 6RB .
13 We much appreciate your support in our fight to maintain the independence of Palatine , which your Board is convinced is in the best interests of its shareholders , employees and customers alike .
14 The work they 've put in , erm , and obviously , if you give your support to erm , make them a grant , it 's basically a grant for adults .
15 Politicians analyze their support in class terms , and sociologists would be lost without it .
16 There is no question that LWT can afford to , and wants to , continue its support for The South Bank Show .
17 However , players excel and quality rises when one 's team is being cheered on by four or five thousand enthusiastic fans and even the hundred plus that turn up here every week can lift a team , so , please , continue your support in the forthcoming season .
18 A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman on Oct. 10 rejected a proposal made by the Dalai Lama in a speech in the USA on Oct. 9 to return to Tibet for the first time since 1959 , and demanded that he abandon his support for Tibetan independence .
19 Express your support for others and let people know when you agree or disagree , giving reasons why .
20 ‘ In the interest of reconstruction and peace and the need to minimise the potential threat to democratic advance … we declare our support for an interim government of national unity , ’ it said .
21 ‘ We judge our support on the basis of the MPs we talk to , lists that are drawn up , early day motions that are signed , ’ says Robertson , who believes he can count on the public support of maybe seventy Conservative MPs if it comes to a confrontation with John Major .
22 We need to show the people of Hungary that we are here , we need their support for the air force and the pilots .
23 I was glad to hear the right hon. Member for Croydon , South ( Sir W. Clark ) reiterate his support for measures to help small businesses , in particular over the late repayment of debt .
24 We can just about afford it from immediate funds , and I trust I have your support in this work .
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