Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But this issue has not been the subject of legislation , nor previously been considered by this court or the House of Lords , and in such circumstances the alternatives are either to dismiss the appeal despite the relevance of article 10 and wait for Parliament to reconsider the state of the law ; or , as the courts have from time to time demonstrated their ability and willingness to do , venture into relatively unchartered waters and declare the present state of the law .
2 I am not , after all , ’ she said , looking around her domain with a distinct smile , ‘ running a house of ill repute , which is what I fear the present title of Madame seems to suggest , along with bead curtains , red velvet plush love seats , champagne buckets and other such fittings and accoutrements which are not our style at all these days .
3 As I say the present day er premier just now is actually trying to do the same thing as a repeat performance
4 As a consequence , they are likely to be faced with the necessity of balancing priorities — within the various demands being made upon them by the inchoate changes which characterize the present assessment climate .
5 Until we remove the present government from Westminster , then Europe is going to struggle to do us a great deal of good .
6 Their god is Carpe Diem — ‘ Seize the present day ’ .
7 The model shows that unless there is ‘ compensatory management ’ , then damming the rivers will turn the lake saline , reduce its level , kill the present vegetation and effectively banish the birds .
8 Most of the bronze statues which line the present bridge were added in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries .
9 By contrast , the accounting treatment of R&D appears to be a non-issue for most company accountants ; they almost universally support the present practice of immediate write-off of all R&D expenditure .
10 Abolish the present inheritance tax and make recipients pay on gifts above a certain band as income .
11 The remains of these figures resemble the present west pediment in style .
12 There was William Foreman , a pioneer of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants , Alexander Wilkie , the general secretary of the Associated Society of Shipwrights and former MP for Dundee , and there were John Wilson and William Crawford of the Durham Miners , both Members of Parliament for divisions of the County Palatine in the 1880s , not to mention one of the most respected leaders of his day , Robert Knight of the Boilermakers to whom we owe the present day Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions .
13 Keep death , and heaven , and hell in view ; Begin the present year , anew .
14 Those last few words describe the present position .
15 They recommended we maintain the present scoring system .
16 This would preserve people 's ability to take payment method into account when choosing their jobs , and maintain the present guarantee for existing workers that their payment method can not be changed against their will .
17 You are bristling with anticipation as you know the present contract which Plastic Foods has with Clearprint , your closest competitor , is up for renewal .
18 There is , in theory , an 8-week time limit between committal and trial on indictment , but that rule may be dispensed with by the Crown Court and the following figures indicate the present position .
19 ‘ I decide the present case upon a single ground , namely , that there are no facts set out in the statement of claim which fix the defendants with liability for breach of duty as carriers of passengers .
20 Finally we outline the present scope of Articles 85 and 86 as applied to mergers .
21 Routine decisions allow the present system to keep going to keep the status quo .
22 I believe the present system could be improved and would be grateful for any examples of assessment forms used by practitioners in similar areas .
23 The Conservatives want to see this link restored as they believe the present situation leads to extravagant and irresponsible local spending .
24 The answer is that if we find the present state of affairs unsatisfactory , we have an obligation to try to come up with something better .
25 Which is saying : Smiths are the victim of the vast cliché-ing in rock , whereby everything is not as it seems , i.e. note the present glut of supposed ‘ leftish ’ groups signing to major labels : Billy Bragg as the opposite of Wham .
26 We would suggest that Tutors discuss the fact that if we use the present system the order for 200 hang gliders will take 600 hours of labour which given we are using 160 hours per month would mean that this order will take in excess of another three months to fill .
27 Thus , although I use the present tense , the physical organization of communities and the economic organization that I discuss are more relevant to the pre-1970 period .
28 I date the present coldness of Turkey towards us from the expulsion of the Axis from North Africa .
29 Yet the economic situation will not by itself defeat the present regime .
30 If the scheme is to qualify for grant aid , the benefit-cost assessment must show that the present value of all the benefits derived from the scheme exceed the present value of all the costs .
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