Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] the us " in BNC.

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1 At full throttle , the engine must burn a richer mixture of petrol to air and emissions immediately rise exceeding the US legislation .
2 We have seen the US break the economic back of small sovereign nations , imposing an economic warfare and savage poverty , which brings with it humiliation , degradation , starvation and the loss of countless human lives .
3 To name but two examples , we have seen the US use chemical warfare when they dropped 17 million gallons of Agents Orange , Blue and White on Vietnam ; and we have seen them feed a germ which induced a potentially fatal fever into Cuba 's water supply .
4 And tragically , in the past few weeks we have seen the US and its Allies carry out over 44,000 sorties over a period of 20 days against the people of Iraq .
5 DURING the four decades that have followed the US Supreme Court 's landmark Roe vs Wade decision , the debate over abortion has intensified to the point of ferocity , culminating recently in the murder of an obstetrician .
6 Technological advances , international competition and consequent relative price reductions in producer and consumer electronics have led the US , European and Japanese TNCs , that for the most part control the electronic media , to develop global strategies for the establishment and aggrandisement of their various hegemonic practices that would have been technically impossible , and in some cases even unthinkable a few decades ago ( see Schiller , 1981 ; McPhail , 1987 ) .
7 After a four-year battle , American museums have forced the US Financial Accounting Standards Board ( FASB ) to abandon its request that museums record their collections on their balance sheets as monetary assets ( known as capitalising ) .
8 Scotland 's junior men beat Switzerland 7-2 and only have to beat the US today to qualify for the semi-finals .
9 The Cubans have thrown the US off balance by , in the wake of the Libya-Lockerbie crisis , demanding extradition to Cuba of two men accused of blowing up a Cuban airliner over Barbados in 1976 .
10 Clinton 's eyes and Bush 's tales The economic policies that Bill Clinton and George Bush have announced seem to rely too much on old measures that have failed the US economy in the past ; can they work this time ?
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