Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [art] wider " in BNC.

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1 Elderly people , with those in later middle age , are more likely to be shocked or outraged by sexual practices which they consider undesirable — and tend to see a wider range of sexual practices as such .
2 ‘ We want to offer a wider range of services than building societies are able to .
3 So , if you are n't even at the word processing stage yet it may well be better to get this technology in place first before you try to tackle the wider issues of electronic publishing .
4 For instance , how valid are the company 's assumptions about : customer sensitivity to price changes ( price elasticity of demand ) ; the effectiveness of its advertising in stimulating customer demand , and in maintaining its share of the total market ; the relationship of per capita real income to demand for its products ( for instance , people with increasing incomes tend to eat a wider variety of foodstuffs than hitherto , yet their per capita expenditure on food tends to decline as a proportion of their total personal expenditure ) .
5 This is no doubt partly a reflection of the way in which people with bank accounts do have a wider range of credit options open to them than people without .
6 Chair , on the recommendations erm on item D , I 'm a bit unhappy about the use of the term ‘ natural ’ disasters , because I believe that many of the disasters that people in Oxford are actually giving money for are man made disasters , particularly matters of international economics and the unfair burden , erm unfair distribution of wealth which places a whole sector of the world in poverty , and I think , you know , you do get a magnificent response from people in Oxford to these charities , and we must be aware that there are a whole number of greater issues involved , and while I hear what you 're saying earlier on about you ca n't take on the problems of the whole world , I think when people are actually giving money to charities for example , like Oxfam , they are often unaware of these issues , and we do have a wider role in making the , joining with organisations like Oxfam in spreading public awareness on these issues .
7 We 've got a wider lunatic fringe than other nations .
8 To this end I have already started talking to as many people as I can in the local area , with some good response , but now wish to approach a wider audience — hence the appeal to you .
9 The format of the tests themselves is mainly confined to pencil and paper exercises , and within these multiple choice questions dominate , although science tests have used a wider range of exercises including practical work .
10 However , we need to address the wider issues of VFM .
11 Other studies have cast a wider net to embrace other elements in the balance of payments ( Featherstone , Moore and Rhodes 1979 ) .
12 Duthie , and later Kennedy & Duthie ( 1975 ) , were concerned with general rather than special education and authors who have focused on special needs have suggested a wider brief .
13 But , speaking at the same conference , Ed Wallis , chief executive of PowerGen , the company which will inherit a third of the Central Electricity Generating Board 's stations , warned : ‘ We plan to burn a wider range of fuels from a wider range of sources — and we owe it to our customers to get the best possible deal . ’
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