Example sentences of "[det] [be] the only " in BNC.

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1 There you go , only flaw is that s the only bit of the tune I can get into my head right now … that does nt matter though — any tune is extravagant these days ! !
2 Had this been the only evidence of any religious aspect of Chedworth , one could have considered the nymphaeum merely as an unusual feature .
3 Had this been the only ground of complaint , their Lordships might have reached a different conclusion on the appeal .
4 The valley is drained by the Clough River ( unusually so named , this being the only example I can think of where the word ‘ River ’ follows the name instead of preceding it ) .
5 One of my main questions arose from the constant accusations that have been made that Moonies ( and other new religions ) actually brainwash their ‘ victims ’ — this being the only explanation that seemed plausible to many of the parents and friends who had observed the often radical changes in behaviour wrought in those who joined the movement .
6 This means that ( during reading aloud ) before a word reaches the response buffer , subsequent words must have reached the cognitive system — this being the only way that their semantic and syntactic features could come into play .
7 This being the only thing of lasting worth .
8 Ir January 1985 , it became obvious that with the loss of the librarian ii the South Library , it was necessary to investigate the automation of the loans system , this being the only way in which any form of lending service could be maintained in the lower school .
9 This is the only court of appeal for cases tried by the military court , and looks only at points of law and not at facts and findings , thus providing a restricted appeal .
10 This is the only hope for the conservation of pubs from a period with planning ideas so remote from our own .
11 Failure to do this is the only reason for a reversal of the spin from one direction to another .
12 ( One caveat : I am not saying that this is the only necessary experiential condition for objectivity : it is , though , the one which highlights the importance of action most clearly in differentiating the objective from the subjective within the stream of experience . )
13 This is the only type of stretching which should be carried out before exercise when the muscles are cold .
14 This is the only really objectionable thing about Odyssey 's odyssey ; a daily communion with good and evil is not in any way the experience of the characters in Macbeth .
15 Then , one week , the quietest woman in the group said : ‘ This is the only place where I can afford to be honest , ’ and somehow it seemed the healing process had begun .
16 This is the only important thing in my life .
17 ‘ Oz , ’ Joe interrupted , ‘ this is the only day in the year when I need to ask for help from my neighbours .
18 ‘ I believe this is the only country in which there has been a national acknowledgment of God 's directing Providence in the cholera , and I believe it is not a mere outward form but that more and more are becoming every day religious . ’
19 This is the only recognition in The Green Book that women play an important part in making links across the tree-like diverging boundaries between groups , and in this respect too Qaddafi 's understanding of the way Libyan society works is similar to that of the Zuwaya .
20 This is the only weapon we have to defend ourselves . ’
21 This is the only plausible explanation I have found , in a lifetime spent in television , for the fact that a single programme can be simultaneously attacked from both ends of the political spectrum for bias in the opponents ' favour .
22 The basic question with regard to birth parents is first , whether they can or should be encouraged to release the child emotionally on the belief that this is the only way for the child to become attached to his new family .
23 This is the only mention found of Miller 's diary , without doubt one diligently kept at the end of every long day , and it is indeed regrettable that this meticulous record of his day-to-day activities and achievements at the Chelsea Physic Garden has not survived .
24 Dining is a special occasion here ; this is the only hotel we know where china is Rosenthal and silver cutlery is used !
25 Remember that this is the only national fundraising that we are asked to do each year and that this year HQ are allowing us to keep 20% of the cash for our branch funds … so come along the other 75% , let's find those books of tickets and get the stubs ( and the £2 ) to ,
26 This is the only legal and therefore only possible form of Irish emancipation which can be admitted in the programme of an English party .
27 Not that this is the only bone of contention between them , no , not by a long chalk .
28 This is the only place they ca n't get your dirams from you . ’
29 This is the only area of central Prague that has so suffered .
30 This is the only other country in the EEC , besides Great Britain , that recognizes venereology as a distinct specialty .
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