Example sentences of "[det] [noun] once a " in BNC.

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1 Du Pont Pixel says , ‘ the OGI strategy is now operational and Silicon Graphics ca n't afford to take their markets for granted anymore , with this architecture once a piece or hardware or software has been modified it will run on full blown Sparcstations , clones , in fact anything that it is Sparc-compatible ’ .
2 My relations always come on this day once a year .
3 When rifting leads to the rupture of a continent the original elevation of the landsurface above sea level prior to rifting inevitably creates some relief once a new base level is established .
4 There were no bridges left standing between Verona and Rome and , according to Eric , who from now on was to travel this way once a week , every village south of Florence on the main road to Viterbo and Rome had been either destroyed or severely damaged .
5 This gave me the opportunity of using homoeopathy in a general practice setting , while at the same time dealing with more chronic cases at the hospital where we had a consultant gynaecologist , an ENT surgeon and a consultant general surgeon , each operating once a week .
6 And and like the dry store , erm , with all , it 's got like the rice in it , the custard in it , all those sorts of things , I mean , you know , he might order that stuff once a week , rather than having it come in three days a week .
7 The manager may only see each volunteer once a week and should the manager be out of the bureau on that occasion , two weeks may pass .
8 and er I 've discussed this before and I 've come to the conclusion that these children who come along with Jehovah 's Witnesses knocking on your door they 're more affected than any child once a year practising whatever you like to call it Halloween or whatever .
9 The National Boards will probably oversee and approve their own courses once a formula for these has been finalised for standard and content by the UKCC .
10 The agents who remained operated a skeleton service for several constituencies , with the salary shared out too ; they visited each office once a week to answer letters and transact routine business ; the Annual Report for the Yorkshire Area for 1916–17 claimed " we still say no offices entirely closed " but this was no longer a realistic picture of party activity .
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