Example sentences of "[vb pp] to say a [det] " in BNC.

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1 And at the cemetery the vicar , a man who looked as if he needed far more consolation than he would ever be capable of dispensing , had agreed to say a few words before Henry 's address .
2 The flier had been briefed to say a few things like a parrot , but had no deeper understanding of war , or peace , or politics than that bird .
3 Before the programme starts you will be invited to say a few words for the sound balance .
4 ‘ My dear Jane and friends , ’ he said , ‘ I am greatly privileged to have been asked to say a few words today .
5 The McCaw wit is as sharp as his memory and , to nobody 's surprise , George was asked to say a few words at the first of many parties to mark Lurgan 's Centenary .
6 Nikita Sergeyevich asked to be allowed to say a few words to the Central Committee plenum that would be held immediately afterwards .
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