Example sentences of "[vb pp] about by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It strings a series of acceptably lucky events ( random mutations ) together in a nonrandom sequence so that , at the end of the sequence , the finished product carries the illusion of being very very lucky indeed , far too improbable to have come about by chance alone , even given a timespan millions of times longer than the age of the universe so far .
2 Mr Reeve said the structural steelwork sector ‘ can not sustain the present idiotic level of pricing which has come about by panic tendering , ’ and that the industry 's current overcapacity wil be corrected this year .
3 Up to now this demarcation of activities has only come about by delegation , no control system could enforce these roles .
4 This could have come about by virtue of the fact that at every stage of evolution the original life force ( whatever it may have been and relegated in this book to the pre-life period ) was always carried by the species at the head of the chain , and this was the species which would ultimately become the human race .
5 The period written about by Fraenkel preceded independence .
6 We still have a fondness for unreasonably tall cakes and showers of rice , but contemporary brides tend not to be hedged about by garlands of orange blossom ( signifying chastity ) and smilax pinned to their dresses like a comelier version of the Queensferry Burry man .
7 All the permissions granted by the GDO are subject to conditions and some are hedged about by preconditions which can be very important .
8 The whole question is hedged about by doubts .
9 But sex , homicide , and religious cult are categories which we somehow expect to be hedged about by taboo , everywhere , always .
10 Alternatively this may only be a change in the precious metal brought about by necessity , and silver coinage may have continued the earlier function of the gold coinage , as bullion .
11 I sometimes feel that a great many of our social problems at the moment , young people rampaging , are brought about by mothers going out to work …
12 Although the work/family distinction expresses the separation between these two spheres of life brought about by industrialization , it does not follow that one is the world of men while the other is the world of women .
13 I suppose one of the most fundamental changes brought about by reorganisation , though , was the creation of a team , which for the first time , consolidated into one management structure .
14 The great expansion of diplomatic contact between Russia and the rest of Europe brought about by Peter I inevitably led to an increase in the size and activity of the Posolskii Prikaz .
15 His earlier refusal to play the party game had led the political establishment to ignore him , and their view was now reinforced by the problems for public order brought about by Mosley 's street-corner politics .
16 ‘ The suspension to be brought about by lack of funding which is not related to the community charge level . ’
17 Although this could be termed denationalisation , the fact that it is not ( instead the word ‘ privatisation , is now more commonly used ) is an indication of the extent of the change in thinking brought about by Thatcherism .
18 The State is the result of the disorder brought about by inequality and private property and it is the means by which this inequality and private property is maintained .
19 In the context of social change brought about by migration to the United Kingdom , individuals belonging to these communities have often sought to develop voluntary associations which are not reducible to primary social ties of caste and kinship .
20 For other drugs it seems to be indirect , brought about by connections between the dopamine system and the other neurotransmitter systems .
21 Some ironically have been brought about by road congestion caused by the railway 's erstwhile competitor , the private car .
22 So , if the blind scientist BS knows that V is in brain state B and that B is the state usually brought about by experience of a red object , then he knows that V is in some state or other of the sort usually brought about by red objects .
23 One of the crucial changes brought about by Mrs Thatcher is the attitude of those who have made it and believe that others can do likewise , or , if they fail to do so , are judged as having not really tried .
24 If , however , the apparent consent is brought about by dishonesty , there is nothing in the words of section 1(1) , or by reason of any implication that can properly be read into those words , to make such apparent consent relevant as providing a defence .
25 Accordingly , the statement in the judgment of the Court of Appeal , at p. 377d , to the effect that , if the apparent consent of the owner is brought about by dishonesty , there is nothing in the words of section 1(1) to make such apparent consent relevant as providing a defence is , with respect , erroneous in relation to a charge of theft ( which was the relevant charge ) if the words ‘ appropriates ’ bears the meaning which the Criminal Law Revision Committee ( rightly , in my opinion ) has deliberately given it .
26 So in the next chapter I shall look at the main strands of teaching in the Old Testament about the Holy Spirit , in the light of fuller perspective brought about by Jesus , the supreme bearer of the Spirit .
27 The question is not so much that of understanding the cause , but rather one of eliminating the possibility of cyclotron ion resonance brought about by AC field in a domestic or normal commercial environment where the only prevalent DC magnetic field is that provided by the Earth itself .
28 To each of these may be added another if we count the faunal extinctions brought about by man in the last million years or so .
29 We offer higher quality services brought about by competition , we offer better information to the public about the standards of service which they will receive , and we offer to reform local government to reflect wishes and natural communities .
30 But one may note the steady accumulation of evidence that all kinds of mental disorder have a physical basis , and that biochemical adjustment brought about by drugs often provides more effective help to a disturbed person than any other process .
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