Example sentences of "[vb pp] until [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Regulations implementing this part of the Act are not expected until next year .
2 After being measured against a second string of acceptability criteria — and assuming the UN takes to Morris and that a seat on the board becomes available — there would be a ballot , though no movement on this front is expected until next year .
3 A decision is not expected until next year .
4 Novell Inc has introduced its NetWare 4.0 Software Developer 's Kit for programmers that want to produce NetWare Loadable Modules or client software for the next release of its network operating system : that release is not expected until next March .
5 An improvement is not expected until next summer .
6 The band will appear as a seven-piece to preview material from their forthcoming album , not expected until next summer .
7 The committee 's existence was not disclosed until last week .
8 The fishing for sand-eels alone has risen until last year ( 1989 ) a million tonnes were taken from the North Sea by EEC member countries .
9 Although reveille had been at 0400 hours , the landing would not be made until first light at 0850 .
10 However , I do not expect the full effect to be felt until next year , when I am sure we can expect a megaseller each month .
11 THE FULL resonance of this production may not be felt until next May .
12 And while the teams will not be selected until next month , the results in last weekend 's All England championship finals provide a guide to the likely names who will feature in the minds of those selecting the teams .
13 Out patients from non-fundholding GPs may now not be seen until next April .
14 Palmerston , with the longest speech of the debate , started by saying that Members would not be committed by the present vote to any style , as nothing would be decided until next session , and attacked Manners for approving ‘ the erection of so frightful a building ’ , involving expenses and perhaps disappointment to the architect without consulting the House .
15 MIPS duly rolled out its Magnum and Millenium systems last week : in the UK , journalists from across Europe trundled in two-by-two as the company treated the press corps to a glimpse of the inside of Ake Larson 's London Ark building in Hammersmith , which is n't due to be opened until next month .
16 ‘ Even though PDAG is not to be abolished until next April , it seems members have already given in to the Tories .
17 Local residents and the London boroughs of Camden and Islington want the redevelopment shelved until the Commons has seen the delayed bill for the high speed rail link , not now due to be resubmitted until next November .
18 The adventure centre would be closed until next year , Mr Kite said .
19 Gazza should now be encouraged , not discouraged , and then disillusioned to find out that he is to be overlooked until next February .
20 The alarm was not raised until last Friday when one arrived home with the wrong surname on an identity bracelet .
21 German doctors at a university hospital in Bavaria planned to keep the unnamed brain-dead woman 's body functioning for the sake of the child , which was not due to be born until next April .
22 The announcement has been delayed until next week , to avoid clashing with the Prime Minister 's speech to the Conservative conference today .
23 Nursing unions at Greenbank Hospital , Darlington , yesterday said a decision to invoke dispute procedure was delayed until next week because management had called a joint meeting with staff and unions next Monday .
24 Mainly because of Mr Pramual 's opposition a much needed increase in interest rates was delayed until last week .
25 THE success of Tendring District Council 's bid for assisted area status for Clacton and Harwich will not now be known until next month .
26 Blackburn chairman Rob Coar said that Warhurst had undergone a medical and x-rays , the results of which would not be known until next week .
27 Discussion of PC purchases deferred until next meeting , after DFC returns from China .
28 The hearing has been adjourned until next week .
29 ADECISION on whether a trainee journalist should be jailed for contempt of court was yesterday adjourned until next month pending a hearing in the House of Lords .
30 The case was adjourned until next month for reports .
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