Example sentences of "[vb pp] itself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The new release of PageMaker has addressed itself to four main areas in which users felt the product was lacking ; long documents , repetitive formats , graphics and colour , as well as adding additional features such as text export and enhanced file import facilities .
2 Essentially the court is concerned whether the decision-making body has addressed itself to all relevant factors .
3 A second , related problem is that business ethics has mostly concerned itself with grand theorising , trying to answer questions such as ‘ Is capitalism ethically justifiable ? ’ and ‘ Can a profitable business ever be ethical ? ’ .
4 Labour committed itself to immediate acceptance of the Maastricht social charter , with implications for low pay and for women , and to meeting the UN 's target for aid as a percentage of GNP within five years .
5 ‘ It has committed itself to this new dental hospital and we are looking to it to deliver . ’
6 But while the British media 's account of World Cup preparations in Italy has been dominated by the prospect of violence , British domestic youth culture has primed itself for other possibilities by looking to the Latin-influenced culture of spectatorship and style .
7 Or meant to have replied , but perhaps she had not , perhaps the knowledge of later years had imposed itself on that first memory .
8 The financial sector prepared itself for full deregulation and open competition with foreign institutions .
9 ‘ That 's the one , me boy , and it has this morning presented itself in four mess-tins .
10 But even if the relative lack of profitable investment opportunities goes some way to explaining the poor investment rate , then if US business had felt itself under more pressure , it might have made greater efforts to improve technology .
11 For the work so far has limited itself to scientific and technical problems , neglecting political and legal issues .
12 In this respect orthodox medicine may have placed itself at some disadvantage to its complementary counterparts .
13 It had arranged itself around bright canvas bags and wicker baskets in the part-shade of a fishing-boat .
14 What puzzled him was that the beautiful creature could never have arranged itself in that unnatural position .
15 Isabel Marshall had been added at the age of fourteen , when her gawky , bony clumsiness had suddenly transformed itself into dazzling beauty , and Clara , her especial friend , was added a year later when her breasts grew .
16 When the door had opened to admit her , the waiting tension still gnawing at him had finally transformed itself into swift action , and he 'd been too busy quitting the bed and judging the right moment to attack to identify the intruder .
17 In my view , this local authority has shown itself throughout conscious of its duty to keep an open mind about the future of these children and to consider all the potential options in what was often an extremely difficult and fraught situation .
18 It is true that history records frequent occasions when this has been forgotten and prejudice has shown itself in religious , racial and class distinctions .
19 If danger threatens powerful muscles can snap the valves tightly shut , and once a bivalve has closed itself in this way it can be very difficult to force it open — it has ‘ clammed ’ up .
20 The psychoanalytical school , almost by definition has based itself on supra-historical assumptions which have been almost valueless in detailed analyses .
21 Unlike history , the ‘ new ’ geography would appear to have rid itself of imperialist associations .
22 The question turned off Lomax 's interest like a tap that realises it had flooded itself into deep water .
23 By the time that the appeal had reached this Board , the defendant 's case had reduced itself to seven heads .
24 This desire has shewn itself in some minds in the advocacy of the introduction of some new style especially marking our own age , in others in the wish to see the Architecture which so especially belongs to our own and immediately neighbouring Countries , — and which for some classes of buildings has already been so completely revived , — adapted to the especial requirements of our own times and all the inventions habits and comforts incident to them .
25 And for composers desperately intent on forging a language that had purged itself of any historical residues , a musical form that by its very nature was reliant upon an external stimulus , that needed the prop of a text and a scenario , was intrinsically suspicious .
26 Following the Coopers merger with Deloittes , Pearson had found itself with three firms of auditors — Deloitte & Touche and Arthur Andersen in the US and Coopers & Lybrand in the rest of the world — a situation it found cumbersome and expensive .
27 This is almost the position in which the Liberal party has found itself in recent elections ( see Table 5.2 ) .
28 In addition to suffering the longstanding US economic blockade , Cuba has found itself in 1990 and 1991 coming to terms with new threats to its economic viability .
29 The system has found itself in dire need of a new way of legitimating itself , and this need has given rise to a variety of responses .
30 And it 's proved itself on many expeditions — you could live in it for weeks .
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