Example sentences of "[vb pp] into a corner " in BNC.

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1 Avoid being boxed into a corner , and always fight with a strong sun behind you .
2 Pushed into a corner , however , the machine appeared less confident .
3 ‘ I did n't want to become a prisoner of my own fame or become pushed into a corner by success and just sit at home . ’
4 Even a writer such as Elizabeth Roberts , who has a very strong view of women 's sense of responsibility towards their relatives during this period , acknowledges that old people living with relatives but unable to contribute any longer to the household economy might well be ‘ neglected ’ or ‘ pushed into a corner ’ through force of circumstances : ‘ Although the duty to care for relatives was a paramount one , rarely ignored , it is also true to say that the quality of care varied from the dreadful to the superb ’ ( Roberts , 1984 , p. 179 ) .
5 On the other hand , it is important to avoid being pushed into a corner .
6 ‘ You 're not being pushed into a corner , ’ he told her calmly .
7 As one of my hon. Friends pointed out today , it is typical that , when finally pushed into a corner and forced to be specific , the Leader of the Opposition picked for unqualified Labour party support the one area of European Community policy that would cost this country .
8 He knew he had been crowded into a corner , but it was his own fault .
9 Flack was crushed into a corner , gesticulating , a beetle turned on to its back .
10 They were in Hennessey 's in the Strand and tucked into a corner .
11 It was tucked into a corner of Bulak and must have been near the river , for once Owen caught a glimpse of ship masts at the end of a street .
12 It was merely a framework of broken , blonde walls , barely knee-high , like the shaft of a huge well , a shell withdrawn into a corner of the great room .
13 Lord Lane , the Lord Chief Justice , described the case 's circumstances as ‘ wholly exceptional ’ and said it was only when Mr Butler was driven into a corner that he drew the sword in self defence .
14 Driven into a corner , she panicked , her arms flailing desperately as she tried to wrench herself free , but he held on tight .
15 It is always sad when someone is driven into a corner and becomes desperate .
16 So erm I 'm you kn I do n't propose to do that again because I would n't er I would n't arrange a speaker if we had a full table show but it 's nice to know that it did work out because we were , I was forced into a corner a little bit erm and I think it was worth it because we as I say I 've waited a long time for Danny and he was well worth listening to , I can listen to Danny for hours because he he just speaks and , and tells you about his fish , I 'm , I 'm very very fond of listening to Danny cos I think he gives a good talk .
17 She remembered how huge she had thought the Longhills ' kitchen on her arrival in Nordale , and reckoned that it would have fitted into a corner of this one .
18 You should watch out for any fish that may harass all of the other inmates to the point of serious damage ; or for one particular fish being harassed by the rest of its companions to the point of being shoved into a corner .
19 Upon opening the Carlton Standard 's case , and after being initially overjoyed that I was n't looking at yet another Strat derivative , I must admit that my aesthetic values were backed into a corner while I tried to work out exactly what I was looking at .
20 I finally managed to push the huge animal away and backed into a corner for safety .
21 Finally she was backed into a corner by the door , the horse guarding any escape route and the man looking down at her with dark , fathomless eyes .
22 It 's no wonder you were quarrelling last night — he had you backed into a corner a couple of times with facts you did n't know .
23 Yeltsin , as he is inclined to do when backed into a corner , has taken a high-risk gamble .
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