Example sentences of "[vb pp] as the basis " in BNC.

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1 By that time the information contained in the audited accounts would be so out of date that it would not reasonably be foreseen as the basis for a business judgment concerning the extension of credit to Berg or the discounting of bills .
2 Observation of one of these signs — cyclical changes in cervical mucus — has been developed as the basis of a method capable of anticipating ovulation .
3 This type of community work with refugees is in many ways similar to the organization of the controlled zones and is regarded as the basis for a future development model after the triumph of the FDR-FMLN .
4 The agreement on troop withdrawal was to be regarded as the basis for a future treaty on the issue .
5 It is said to be the philosophy of government administrators , dangerous in their hands , corrupting treated as the basis of private morality .
6 His main argument was that Gothic , having been used for nineteenth-century churches , should now be considered as the basis of all building types , particularly domestic , although commercial and public buildings were considered .
7 After discussions with the client , a neutral viewpoint is selected as the basis for a root definition and conceptual model .
8 If , since union , sovereignty has been successfully asserted in practice by the United Kingdom Parliament , and if that assertion has come to be accepted as the basis of the existing constitutional edifice , that is what must , at all events pending the next shift , govern .
9 There is only one explanation of what has hitherto been accepted as the basis of the criminal law and that is that there are certain standards of behaviour or moral principles which society requires to be observed , and the breach of them is an offence not merely against the person who is injured but against society as a whole .
10 Also in the field of biogeography world maps of plant formations had been utilized for many years and had indeed been adopted as the basis for some climatic classification by attempting to fit the classification to the plant distribution .
11 Internationally , the data protection principles were adopted as the basis for the 1980 OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data .
12 If monetarism is adopted as the basis for policy , the authorities must reduce the endogenous element to a minimum .
13 For Engels its significance lies in the fact that it was seen as the basis of what was to be the most dramatic change in the history of mankind .
14 In the UDC proposals land is seen as the basis of a kind of wholly autonomous service sector .
15 Thus the high-modernist building was able simultaneously to enshrine a notion of pure rationality in systems-building , pure formalism in its opposition to ornament , pure functionality which was seen as the basis of its aesthetic value , and pure style .
16 Utopian ideology has therefore been seen as the basis of Marxist theory .
17 Ruling class ideology has therefore been seen as the basis of functionalist theory .
18 For many social scientists indeed the hegemony of the bourgeoisie would be seen as the basis of the other just-mentioned types of stability .
19 As we shall argue later , such generalised and monolithic views of the legal system are inadequate descriptions of reality , particularly when advanced as the basis of political action .
20 Recent legislation , on employment protection by making provision for disclosure of information and advance consultation on redundancy , and on health and safety by bringing the subject into the sphere of joint regulation , is advanced as the basis for this declaration : ‘ It can be argued indeed that the basis for a legislative framework designed to encourage industrial democracy at shop floor level already exists ’ .
21 Nevertheless , this apparent similarity of method has been used as the basis for attempts , tentative and unlikely as they are , to find a rapprochement between Marxism and deconstruction .
22 Fourthly , detailed evaluation and monitoring procedures must exist which are used as the basis for managing change .
23 This explanation of urban poverty in terms of ‘ perverse incentives ’ is being picked up by the right wing in Britain and used as the basis for proposals for new policies and regulations regarding unemployment benefit , income support , and housing entitlement as they apply to lone mothers .
24 This chart could then be used as the basis for an essay or a piece of revision and — although the words used might be different — you would , in fact , end up by saying just what I said in that portion of text above .
25 The French system gives the observer more confidence than the UK system does that a more thorough assessment has been made by the French of comparative natural handicaps which is then used as the basis for a comprehensive system of support .
26 The recommendations of the Working Party have been used as the basis for financial allocations to the Health Service regions since 1977 .
27 Once approved , these are used as the basis for governmental policy review .
28 Skeletal element proportions based on total numbers of bones have been used as the basis for Fig. 3.1 comparing two kestrel samples with four barn owl samples .
29 Different viewpoints lead to different models which , in turn require different measures of performance , and it is necessary to ensure that the model used as the basis for the audit is one that reflects the organisation 's needs in relation to the procedure .
30 The output from this analysis was summarised in the final report as a functional description of the filing systems , and used as the basis for the detailed user requirement that was prepared for the client .
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