Example sentences of "[vb pp] at [adj] moment " in BNC.

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1 They lay up all the following day , expecting to be attacked at any moment , but no enemy showed up .
2 In my desperate fear and danger , I was like a pain-maddened animal , ready to kill or wound at any moment .
3 The farmer approached at that moment and was angry with Tess for wasting time talking to a stranger .
4 After all , I had no real claim upon your attention , and I knew I meant so little to you I could be dropped at any moment without a second thought .
5 Most criminals would have panicked at that moment .
6 Coutts had been informed that a cheque for $6m was expected at any moment from MGM films in America — payment for the distribution rights of Electric Dreams .
7 It was for this convict , who could be caught and hanged at any moment , that I had deserted Joe .
8 He stood there in the crowded classroom , half listening to Mrs Willmot , and thought of the inexorable process going on all round him — the lives whose courses were being decided at this moment , behind the innocent-seeming chatter , the smiles , the faintly carnival atmosphere of families having a day out .
9 They moved out slowly into the corridor , Chen looking about him , prepared at any moment to thrust the knife deep into Herrick 's throat .
10 I , on a point of order Madam Speaker , I understand that a major announcement in connection with rail privatisation is being made at this moment by way of written answer and press conference erm the statement will reveal a huge increase in access charges for railway operators and ultimately therefore huge increases in costs for tax payers and passengers .
11 Are the signals clear ? is my attention really needed at this moment , or can it wait ?
12 Fortunately a gong sounded at that moment and Bertha sprang up with surprising alacrity and led the way to the dining room , where Randolph was already at the sideboard carving the meat .
13 He can not be reached at this moment , and the question can not be shelved .
14 I left that meeting with the phrase , ‘ I am a lesbian , ’ ready to be spoken at any moment .
15 The youths , being Moslems , were not having this from any woman , even if she were a great lady , and things would have gone ill for Zeinab if Owen had not arrived at that moment , on his way to her flat .
16 She could see that he was searching for the right words , the very thing that would describe what he had felt , what he had experienced at that moment .
17 They were interrupted at that moment as Janice came hurrying over to greet them .
18 His hands were careful and restrained , his mouth tender , and although only a very short while later , Cassie was to realize just how much self-control he had exerted at that moment of their first real physical contact , for those few minutes , she knew only that she was not afraid of him , nor even suspected that there was any need to be .
19 He was blond with deep-set brown eyes which looked troubled at this moment , and he was well dressed .
20 For it was she who told herself that nothing was to be gained at this moment by recrimination , that Sir George 's land and influence at Stockton were still big assets ( though nowhere near worth the price at which they had been bought ) , and that a moping Sir George — a sackcloth-ashes flagellant — could be all it needed to bring the whole structure of confidence tumbling down .
21 Er the erm er fact of the matter was that er er as has been recorded by those less emotionally charged at that moment , I did n't flounce out of the cabinet .
22 Communication amongst friends includes a much broader field than what is being communicated at that moment .
23 But if my own suspicions were aroused at that moment , Lord Darlington evidently did not share them .
24 If it was not unreasonable , the offer was still alive when A handed in at the post office his telegram of acceptance , and the contract was therefore completed at that moment .
25 They 've been checked over , as I say , the first one 's been cleared , and that 's been allowed to proceed , and the next ship er is being checked at this moment .
26 Tensely they waited , expecting to be discovered at any moment .
27 For all she knew , so far from being lonely and deprived at this moment , he might well be taking his mild pleasures in his usual fashion , with some lady chanced upon by pure luck in the wilds of Anatolia .
28 Adam would be questioned , was possibly being questioned at this moment .
29 She knew she could be killed at any moment .
30 It should be noted that the maturity variable differs between the contracts traded at any moment in time .
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