Example sentences of "[vb pp] at the level " in BNC.

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1 As you will have picked up , in my opinion fundamentalism is a dangerous enemy which has to be attacked at the level of the mind and of the heart .
2 The differences between male and female connotations are really located at the level of semantics ( that is the level of meaning ) rather than at the level of syntax .
3 This finding was considered as an ‘ uncomplicated ’ Barrett 's oesophagus. ( e ) Grade IV : presence of a peptic ulcer or stricture of the oesophagus , located at the level or distal to the mucosal junction , always in the presence of a Barrett 's oesophagus .
4 The subliminal message of most music is that the universe is essentially benign , that if there is sadness or tragedy , this is resolved at the level of some higher harmony .
5 Admittedly the current burst of improvement dates back only to the Renaissance , which was preceded by a dismal period of stagnation , in which European scientific culture was frozen at the level achieved by the Greeks .
6 All went well until 1985 , when museum purchase grants were frozen at the level at which they have remained , the reasoning being that for anything really important , they could go to the NHMF .
7 Thus , as a case study in business history , the Stockton and Darlington Company provides important insights into the process of managerial decision-making in a period of economic history which has hitherto been under-researched at the level of the individual firm .
8 French space policy has been actively pursued at the level of Prime Minister , Cabinet and President .
9 Hence , a music that demands to be considered at the level of what the words mean , the coherence of the narrative , the intentions of the artist , biographical input .
10 Students are given opportunities at field and Modular Course level to raise difficulties not addressed at the level of modules .
11 Disincentives applied at the level of general practice as well .
12 On the basis of this , it is submitted that the question of subsidiarity is essentially a political question for the Council , and if the Council decided to act at the Community level it would not be possible to challenge what it did simply on the basis that it could better have been done at the level of the Member States ; rather , it would be necessary to show a manifest error , a misuse of power or a clear passing of the limits of discretion , and it is submitted that the occasions when this might be done will be rare .
13 A careful scrutiny of existing policies and their implicit and explicit assumptions should do two things ; it should enable choices to be made at the level of general strategies , as to what is most conducive to equity or equality , it should also enable individual teachers in individual schools to compare their circumstances with those of others and learn which innovations seem to suit what circumstances and to take heart from the struggles and successes of their colleagues .
14 As Einstein expressed it : ‘ The world that we have made at the level of thinking we have done so far , creates problems we can not solve at the same level of thinking ’ .
15 In either case , decisions about spending priorities — e.g. on staffing as against computers , or educational visits as against redecoration — and about the hiring and firing of teachers , will now be made at the level of the school itself , not by the LEA .
16 In the USSR it is now officially recognized that the party should be organized more democratically , and attempts have been made at the level of primary organizations to involve the rank and file more in decision-making ( Hill , Dunmore and Dawisha 1981 , p. 201 ) .
17 Seen at the level of individual choices there is perhaps nothing remarkable about this shift from fringe to mainstream .
18 This conflict is clearly to be seen at the level of organized local politics ( chapter 1 ) , although the particular interests of the farming and landowning community add complexity to this .
19 All these are inconsistent with ‘ living life ’ , the two words which are placed between inverted commas and imposed at the level of mere idea upon Notes from Underground , but which truly drive Raskolnikov , which are his need to become a man again .
20 I must be careful here , for while the provision for community education in Scotland is generally more advanced at the level of local authority involvement than in the areas of the USA which I visited , and while organisations such as the Trades Unions , the WEA and others do much to orchestrate various adult education projects , there is nothing which approaches the ‘ schools for problems ’ which Highlander provides .
21 A third group of pavements , classified at the level of sequential affinity , i.e. pavements of simple geometrical designs , are distributed between both of the former .
22 What she neglected to mention was that Dixons 's profit margins in the UK ( five per cent measured at the level of pre-tax operating profit ) are some five times greater than their comparable US profit of one per cent .
23 These differences , which have largely supplanted the historical division between the socialist and anarcho-syndicalist traditions , were fully reflected at the level of the CCOO and UGT railway unions in RENFE .
24 The principle of electrolocation , as it has been called , is fairly well understood at the level of physics though not , of course , at the level of what it feels like to be an electric fish .
25 If the form of such relations is in fact reordered at the level of consciousness to appear as an exploitation of things , then the effect is to reduce the sensation of the violence of exploitation and also to legitimize the relations of dominance .
26 The one is based at the level of the firm .
27 The implicit recognition of this in their work is obscured by the distinction they make between ‘ direct experience ’ and more ‘ abstract ’ ‘ underlying ’ causes which can not be grasped at the level of immediate experience .
28 The UK 's growth of total exports showed the slowest growth of any of 19 Industrial Market Economies for much of the last 25 years ( World Bank , 1989 ) ; however , through the mid 1980s the decline of the UK 's share of world trade was arrested at the level of about 8 per cent .
29 FIG. 2 The photograph at the upper right is of a fragment of fresh retina focused at the level of the outer segments and recorded on video by means of an infrared television camera permanently mounted on the microspectrophotometer .
30 It became , eventually , the cult of the DO writ large , but with delaying actions at each step of the way by men who thought that power should be concentrated at the level in the system they themselves happened to occupy .
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