Example sentences of "[vb pp] outside the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Sasaki had not looked outside the hospital all day ; the scene inside was so terrible and so compelling that it had not occurred to him to ask any questions about what had happened beyond the windows and doors .
2 Seeing her name on none of the placards paraded outside the customs hall , she retreated to the shade of a wall opposite the terminal .
3 As the Supreme Soviet debated the issue , 2,000 protesters against Ukraine 's signing the Union Treaty were attacked outside the parliament building by militia and by Soviet Interior Ministry " Black Beret " or OMON troops with batons and tear gas .
4 A new water tower stood sentinel and only two or three tents were scattered outside the perimeter of a newly erected wire fence .
5 when some security staff are located outside the hotel , they may need to be in constant communication with their colleagues inside the building , in order to verify that people arriving are bona fide guests , for example .
6 His statement was a consequence of an earlier announcement by US President George Bush that the USA had completed the pledged withdrawal of more than 2,400 tactical nuclear weapons located outside the USA , including those based on warships .
7 ( 2 ) It is not disputed that the debenture , including the fixed and floating charge created by it , is to be construed according to English law which draws no distinction , in the case of an English company at least , between property located within and property located outside the United Kingdom : see In re The Anchor Line ( Henderson Brothers ) Ltd. [ 1937 ] Ch. 483 , 487 , 488 .
8 Thus , if Mr X , who is not domiciled in the United Kingdom , puts property into a discretionary trust and at the time of the ten year charge the trust assets are not located in the United Kingdom , eg they are chattels such as a motor vehicle which is located outside the United Kingdom , no inheritance tax is in point .
9 Also , where there is property located outside the United Kingdom , no inheritance tax will be payable .
10 But the actually new settlement would have to be located outside the Greater York area , as you are now defining it .
11 In addition , the capital gains charge over assets backing UK long-term business liabilities will be extended to assets located outside the UK .
12 A euro-currency is a time deposit held in a bank located outside the country ( or central bank 's jurisdiction ) responsible for the currency in which the deposit is denominated , e.g. a dollar time deposit held in any bank 's branch in London or a DM time deposit held in any bank 's branch in Luxembourg ( both financial centres are outside the USA and West Germany respectively ) .
13 The Commission must have regard to the future development of competition ( including competition from undertakings located outside the Community ) , not merely to the position as it exists among the companies competing in the market at the date of the merger .
14 Conveniently located outside the city centre .
15 This natural state can be influenced by the presence of a cancer-causing agent located outside the cell .
16 The malfunction of normal genes can be occasioned by the effective field influence of a chemical carcinogen located outside the cell .
17 Violent incidents involving local inhabitants and US troops were reported outside the US Albrook Air Force Station in the days leading up to the Bush visit , and on June 10 one US soldier was shot dead and another wounded while driving an army vehicle near the Caribbean coastal city of Colón .
18 The governor also had enough , however , and sent a message to the Cardinal saying that if the excommunication threat was carried out Landriani would be hanged outside the Bishop 's Palace .
19 Ah , women 's tradition that eh , seems to have grown up in the workplace , or maybe it 's it er , nested outside the workplace originally , is er , when a bride gets dressed up , we must all be familiar with that er , when she 's going to get married and carries a chanty round about to make a collection
20 Straight lines were drawn on maps by Whitehall bureaucrats to represent the borders of countries , and concerns for the disappearing wildlife were manifest in the establishment of National Parks and reserves to protect wildlife and in the expulsion of the villagers from their traditional homes to be re-settled outside the borders of a park .
21 It was said that armed mounted troopers were grouped outside the oval to quell a possible riot .
22 Has enough attention been paid to the need for adaptability within the system , especially if it has been initiated/developed outside the institution ?
23 Emoluments of directors whose duties are mainly discharged outside the UK need not be disclosed .
24 Twenty-year-old Ashiq Hussain was knifed outside the office of the Birmingham city centre taxi firm where he worked , coming to the rescue of a fellow driver who had been racially abused and harassed by three white passengers .
25 In turn , the liberalisation of access to quoted , secondary status has been accompanied to growth by informal , Over-the-Counter markets , with trading organised outside the Stock Exchange 's control .
26 Heide Schmidt , 43 , who was deputy to Haider in the FPÖ but on the party 's liberal wing and was described as a skilled politician respected outside the FPÖ , was nominated by the FPÖ on Nov. 21 .
27 Moist hair is trapped outside the stomata , e.g. heather .
28 And here she was , trapped outside the city without money or the means to get a message to Matilda .
29 There were only two cars parked outside the south porch .
30 Parked outside the Polytechnic there were two small taxi-vans that are hired at ten copecks per kilometre .
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