Example sentences of "[vb pp] speak [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Top dealers with plummy accents who had passed the registered Representatives ' and Traders ' examination were primed to speak with the inspectors .
2 Interestingly , after September 1987 factory and mines inspectors were forbidden to speak to the press on pain of disciplinary action .
3 ‘ You are forbidden to speak to an officer in that fashion . ’
4 Anyone who is unconvinced of this is recommended to speak with a linguist about how to mark and interpret the expression ‘ wash sinks ’ .
5 John Landry of Lotus Development Corp , Philippe Kahn of Borland International Inc and John Sculley of Apple Computer Inc have also been booked to speak at the event .
6 Red Cross workers were banned from the military hospital where the wounded were being treated until interrogations were completed ; on Nov. 24 they were permitted to speak to the 89 wounded , but a request for private interviews with 47 other detainees was refused .
7 As a result of US pressure Arafat , unlike the heads of other delegations , was not permitted to speak from the podium .
8 This conflict was uncharacteristic both because judges usually avoided speaking against the Government on matters of party policy and because judges usually worked behind the scenes to advance their own causes or to influence legal reforms .
9 ‘ I 've got to speak at the women 's Institute .
10 And I suppose it 's up to us like the erm the old stagers to we should know better and I think Tom the Union chap , he 's he can see that and he wants to avoid it cos he 's got to speak to the lot of them ?
11 At any rate it should not surprise us that when Virgil most startlingly irrupts into Pound 's Cantos ( rather late — it is in Canto 78 ) , he should be heard speaking in the Caledonian accents of Gavin Douglas .
12 Last month it was revealed that Di was taped speaking on the phone to bachelor James Gilbey , who told her ‘ I love you . ’
13 First , there was a meeting in Whitehall of the Economic Planning Council , followed by the conference at Trinity College Dublin , at which he had been invited to speak on the subject of European investment .
14 He had been invited to speak on the factors which influenced investment location decisions as seen from the viewpoint of a European Industrial Planning Manager .
15 Rhoda Annie Dent was her full name and I understand she was once invited to speak on the Queen Mary during one voyage .
16 Mr Gollnisch has been invited to speak at a Conservative fringe meeting in Blackpool , organised by Western Goals UK , a movement run by the former Tory MP , Sir Patrick Wall .
17 In August 1988 , Dai Qing was invited to speak at a banquet in Hong Kong held in honour of Liu Binyan , the most famous ‘ investigative reporter ’ of the People 's Daily , the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party .
18 We first encounter Anderson , a professor of ethics , on board a plane for Prague , where he has been invited to speak at a philosophy conference .
19 Many of Charles 's ideas sprang from a memorable visit to Boston in September 1986 , when he had been invited to speak at the Harvard 350th Commemoration Ceremony .
20 She dramatically resigned after hearing that he has been invited to speak at the Green party conference next month .
21 Welsh Water managers have been invited to speak at the annual meeting of Wirral Deewatch at the Friends Meeting House , Telegraph Road , Heswall , next Wednesday night , the day before the petition is presented .
22 I understand that has not been invited to speak to the Committee yet but perhaps you might consider this at the time of him producing his annual report next April .
23 If the hon. Gentleman is called to speak in the debate on the Consolidated Fund Bill or the Adjournment motion , he could well raise those points then .
24 The main focus of his activity on the king 's behalf during this period was the court of King 's Bench , but he can also be found speaking for the king in the Common Bench as well .
25 Assuming that no mature way can be found to speak from the workers ' culture or meaning system , as opposed to breaking it down and imposing on it other meaning systems such as that espoused by management , then passive individuals will be fostered .
26 That is the signal to get the diary ready because you are going to be asked to speak at a dinner .
27 ‘ I was delighted to be asked to speak at the opening of this exhibition to mark the Centenary of the Diocesan Vestment Guild .
28 In Cambridge , Mr Rushdie said it was an honour to be asked to speak at the college , where he was a student in the 1960s .
29 , as the English representative on the Executive Committee of the Medau Ring has been asked to speak on the history and development of the Society in England since the 30 's and is busy doing her homework .
30 Fifteen years later I was asked to speak in a St Andrew 's Day debate being put out by BBC Television in Edinburgh .
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