Example sentences of "[vb pp] with [det] problem " in BNC.

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1 Having met with this problem on my first day , the following morning I wised-up and took a taxi around the harbour , half an hour before sunrise , to approach Farm Cove by way of the delightfully names Woolloomooloo Bay .
2 Having met with this problem on my first day , the following morning I wised-up and took and taxi around the harbour , half an hour before sunrise , to approach Farm Cove by way of the delightfully named Woolloomooloo Bay .
3 Little progress is being made with this problem and it is feared that momentum may be lost by those opposing the scheme , especially over the Christmas and New Year periods .
4 But unless you hand them over to somebody else completely , which most people do n't feel is a very satisfactory arrangement , you 're left with that problem .
5 It is not surprising to find , underlying the judgments of all the experienced Queen 's Bench judges who have grappled with this problem , a feeling of acute concern about the situation thus revealed .
6 When faced with this problem many authors have turned to the idea of ‘ local political cultures ’ , and have sought to explain political variation by reference to the existence of such ‘ cultures ’ ( Butler and Stokes , 1974 ; Johnston , 1986a ) .
7 If your elderly parent is faced with this problem , the most sensible first step towards a solution will be for her to spend a longish ‘ holiday ’ in your home before making a final decision , or for you to make an extended ‘ visit ’ to her if you are thinking of going to live in her home .
8 The decision of the Divisional Court in Reg. v. Derby Crown Court , Ex parte Brooks ( 1984 ) 80 Cr.App.R. 164 for some time seems to have provided the guidelines for courts faced with this problem of delay .
9 I find it equally difficult to conceive of a case where the court , faced with this problem and applying the approach I have indicated above , would authorise an abortion against the wishes of a mentally competent 16-year-old .
10 In conducting their pioneering survey , Abel-Smith , Zander and Brooke were faced with this problem .
11 Faced with this problem , Lawrenson and Kingham ( 1974 ) chose to minimise the integral-with-time-of-absolute-error ( ITAE ) , which corresponds to minimising the area shown in Fig. 4.12 .
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