Example sentences of "[vb pp] so far as " in BNC.

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1 A broadside written towards the end of the 1680s defended the Church of England against the charge that their stress on obedience and subjection had been pressed so far as " to set up arbitrary Power , and the Will of the Prince , above Law " .
2 The dynamo equations , including all the boundary conditions regarded so far as plausible , and the equations governing the magnetic field in that part of the mantle that is above the Curie temperature , are invariant under reversal of sign of the magnetic field .
3 A second line of argument is to see the picture painted so far as too static .
4 I took the view , shared by counsel , that no similar privilege was justified so far as copyright was concerned .
5 The idea has been taken up by the British Library , and by Scottish university libraries , though no dramatic results appear to have been registered so far as acquisition practice is concerned .
6 Not only do the results have no bearing on rankings — and therefore do not matter — but they are forgotten so far as historical records are concerned almost before the players have walked off the court .
7 They are expected so far as practicable to make decisions on benefit entitlement within 14 days , but this time limit is frequently exceeded .
8 The mitigation of the law was at first carried so far as to sacrifice that object , said J.S. Mill .
9 However , even by the middle years of the nineteenth century an industrial city like Manchester had not expanded so far as to prevent its mill workers walking in the country on Sundays .
10 Meanwhile , the relatively few persons for whom special knowledge and training are reserved are freed so far as possible from the obligations of simple labour ’ ( Braverman , 1974 , pp. 82–3 ) .
11 Just what was the object of Barbara 's terror that viewers had only seen so far as a suction cup visible through a circular lens cowl ?
12 In the cases that followed ( ie the disposal of the whole of the matrimonial home to the wife ( Chapter 3 ) ; a conveyance of the husband 's interest in the matrimonial home to the wife ( Chapter 4 ) ; and the conveyance of the husband 's interest in the matrimonial home to a third party ( Chapter 5 ) ) , once the husband had disposed of his interest no further tax considerations applied so far as the husband was concerned ( unless there was an element of gift involved in the conveyance not at arm 's length and the husband died within seven years , thus bringing in a charge to inheritance tax ) .
13 By the end of August , Brusilov had advanced so far as to make replenishment of men and matériel difficult , often impossible .
14 By the following winter Michael Horovitz 's New Departures magazine had advanced so far as to put on a live performance at the same venue .
15 Blake and King begin to complain to each other that they are now wasting their time , since matters are settled so far as they are concerned .
16 How rich it is to hear the Scottish Labour leader impugn the integrity of the SNP when the integrity of Labour Party policies in the last year has been stretched so far as to be invisible .
17 The weather had recovered so far as to be rainless , breezy , faintly warm .
18 The terrified farmboy , Thomas , miserably seasick but comforted by being set to tend sheep , calves and poultry in the depths of the ship , is protected so far as it is possible by the sturdy Jesse , but both are subject to the appalling cruelty of the captain , Daniel Swift .
19 True , at death our essence is finally overcome so far as its actualisation in space and time goes , but as long as we live we can go on realizing it in as full a form as circumstances allow .
20 So although no route can more truly be called a " beaten track " than the one which heads for the Gotthard Pass , now that the old Gotthard road has been supplanted so far as through traffic is concerned by the Basel-Chiasso motor expressway ( E9 , N2 ) , many towns and villages on the old road can be rated as " off the beaten track " .
21 A striking one came in 1760 when , at the marriage of the Princess of Brazil , the daughter of King Joseph I , the masterful Portuguese chief minister , the marques de Pombal , announced that though the papal nuncio and the imperial ambassador would take precedence over all other foreign envoys this would be governed so far as the rest of them were concerned simply by the dates on which they had presented their credentials .
22 One such protagonist has recently gone so far as to claim that Aristotle 's Phantasmata — the mental images that are involved in most or all mental activities — are identical with the symbols on which computational procedures are carried out .
23 ‘ Social imperialism ’ suggests that the main beneficiaries of this policy were British consumers , and indeed one writer has gone so far as to argue a direct link to the Attlee government 's social reforms : ‘ The nationalisations , medical provision and expansion of education so magnanimously legislated by the Labour Ministry were largely achieved because the Bank of England kept the Sterling Area show on the road . '
24 North once told Secord that he had gone so far as to mention to the President that the Ayatollah was helping the contras .
25 I am not sure she could actually have gone so far as to say things like : ‘ these errors may be trivial in themselves , but you must yourself realize their larger significance ’ .
26 Some translators of the Bible have gone so far as to postpone the main verb until the divine fiat : And God said , Let there be light .
27 Indeed they had gone so far as to bring one Nicoleyva , from the Soviet Union to plead with British men and women to do just this , and open a second front in Europe .
28 Some ingenious souls have even gone so far as to suggest that the correct attitude to fat , which makes sense in nutritional , agronomic and culinary terms is to aim in general at eating a low-fat diet , and at one in which most of the fat in the diet is polyunsaturated : but to ensure that the small amount of saturated fat that did creep in is as delectable as possible , which , of course , with slight deference to beef dripping , means butter .
29 Such speeds would seem to be at variance with the shared space concept ; indeed some have gone so far as to suggest eight km/h as a more appropriate maximum consistent with child safety .
30 Louise had gone so far as to allow him access to her papers and portfolio : he and Simon Scher were working on them now .
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