Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] in table " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the most suitable starting point is to look at the major domestically based leisure groups , the activities of which are summed up in Table 11.13 .
2 Details of the cases are set out in Table 5. l .
3 The basic measures of domestic economic performance are set out in Table 1 .
4 Some of her findings are set out in Table 1.2 below ; this compares the ranks of men and women employed in certain occupations with the ranks assigned by a sample of respondents to the wives of men in these occupations .
5 The scheme , with an example of each category taken from our data , is fully set out in Table 4.2 .
6 The results are set out in table 1 .
7 By way of illustration , the two cluster groupings , and their percentage of the adult populations are set out in Table 7.1 :
8 The facts about the shift in British age structure since the mid nineteenth century are set out in table 5.1 and figure 5.1 .
9 The numbers involved are also set out in table 10.3 .
10 Some estimates of the round-trip transactions costs involved in stock index arbitrage are set out in Table 5.1 .
11 An example of these ‘ guesstimates ’ is set out in Table 1 .
12 The complex form of funding family doctors in 1991 is set out in Table 10.2 .
13 The outcome is set out in Table 3.4 .
14 In trying to understand its other functions we shall be helped by looking at the Bank 's balance sheet as set out in Table 3.2 .
15 The results of some recent studies for the pound-dollar , franc-dollar , mark-dollar and lira-dollar exchange rates are set out in table 3.1 .
16 In each stage there is a change in the balance of innovation in product and process as set out in Table 7.1 .
17 In each stage there is a change in the balance of innovation in product and process as set out in Table 7.1 .
18 A list of ratios is set out in Table 2.2 .
19 The current size and structure of the market are set out in Table 6.7 and the development of the non-sterling CD market in Table 6.8 .
20 The responses of the 228 visitors from outside Edinburgh are set out in Table 4 , below , and show that most of these individuals were in Edinburgh for leisure purposes .
21 The reasons for the delay in provision of such items were , therefore , investigated , and these are set out in Table 2 , below .
22 Its findings are set out in Table 14 , below .
23 The criteria for distinguishing between the three are laid out in Table 4.1 .
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