Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] for about " in BNC.

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1 It would have taken 25 years to complete and required the Thames to be frozen over for about seventeen years , to prevent the river flooding the deep foundations .
2 It should be possible to have a thorough survey carried out for about £400 on a modest house , and it is sometimes worth every penny , though with the limitations I have described .
3 ‘ I left college in ‘ 76 , and subsequently hustled around for about four months working for various people , before I heard of a second assistant 's job coming up with David Thorpe .
4 small wonder the next England manager agonised so long over a job that any other candidate ( were there any ? ) would have mulled over for about half a second .
5 For breeding exotic Goldfish but Fancy Goldfish Culture by Frank Orme , Saiga Publishing ( 1979 ) ISBN 0904558 63 0 , sold by for about £8 .
6 You have n't stayed in for about two months ’ , which is true really .
7 I have n't stayed in for about two months , about eight weeks , not one night , and he goes , ‘ I think you should stay in at least one ’ , and I goes , ‘ If you think I 'm staying in then you get lost , because I 'm not staying in this flaming house ’ , and he goes , ‘ You 're staying when I tell you to ’ , and I goes , ‘ I wo n't ’ , and I walked out and came back ten minutes later and said , ‘ I 'm going out , all right ? ’ and he goes , ‘ Okay ’ , and he give me some money to go out and come up here [ to the youth club ] .
8 The tank has been set up for about 5–6 weeks and houses five Tiger Barbs and five Serpae Tetra .
9 Thankfully , he had gone out for about an hour .
10 Where we were dru , the spi , the Espinear used to be drummed down for about five , six , seven years .
11 The needles are usually left in for about 15 minutes and are vibrated at intervals to achieve the required effect .
12 No Singapore on the way back , did n't get off the plane though , I mean they only re-fuel , your only allowed off for about half an hour .
13 And the fact that a package trip can be snapped up for about £600 has put the exotic destination within the reach of many Britons .
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