Example sentences of "[vb pp] [subord] [art] present " in BNC.

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1 This is how the gardens to the east of the palace looked before the present duke 's grandfather created the Italian gardens , and at the opposite end of the palace — this was the scene before today 's water terraces were built .
2 On the other hand , there are in some cases statements of principle in general terms , which do not form part of the ratio decidendi and in others statements in dissenting judgments which it seems to me should be considered when the present question has to be resolved .
3 Twenty per cent of the crop is still in the ground and growers are having difficulty digging it out in the wet conditions … so it remains to be seen if the present glut will last .
4 The total has grown since the present service was set up in 1948 , although in fact the proportion of children in care per thousand of the total population under 18 has not altered so much .
5 That is what we in Britain must do : we must catch up , and then we must compete effectively as we have not done since the present Government came to office .
6 Had a case of a claim by a child for damages for pre-natal injury come before the English courts in the period from 1972 to the enactment of the Act of 1976 , and had it been as well argued as the present cases have been in this court , I have no doubt that the English court would have been referred to Watt v. Rama [ 1972 ] V.R. 353 and Duval v. Seguin , 26 D.L.R. ( 3d ) 418 and would have preferred the views there expressed to Walker v. Great Northern Railway .
7 ‘ The existence of these two quite separate factors ’ , said the report , ‘ appears to have been overlooked until the present Enquiry brought it to light . ’
8 This was replaced by a second Romanesque cathedral in 1097 which , in turn , was largely demolished when the present Gothic cathedral took its place ( 558 ) .
9 Presumably it eventually dies , but that is less important than it seems to us mortals ; as far as this discussion is concerned the end of the cycle is reached when the present organism reproduces and a new generation 's cycle begins .
10 From this standpoint it may be doubted whether the present image of nationalism is quite so unfavourable as has been claimed .
11 But nuclear industry officials doubt the prospects of emission targets being achieved if the present review leads to early retirement of older Magnox stations , providing about 10 per cent of electricity in England and Wales , to accommodate a more concentrated mix of coal and gas stations .
12 The link with the University College is further strengthened because the present Principal of the College , Dr David Morris , also holds the appointment of Professor of Agriculture at University College , Aberystwyth .
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