Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] send [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ahmed Ates , in his article " Molla Gurani " in IA , uses the account of the Egyptian scholar al-Sakhawi ( d. 902/1497 ) to show that Molla Gurani was , in fact , banished from Cairo to Damascus in the year 844/1440–1 because he insulted a descendant of Abu Hanifa , a certain Hamid al-Din al-Nu'mani , and that later , while attempting to go on the pilgrimage , he was caught and sent beyond the Euphrates .
2 Paper documentation also leads to delays in servicing users especially when the data are being delivered over the network or online , but documentation must be photocopied and sent by post .
3 According to a member of the Lebanese Security Services they were transferred to Libya , where the RCF had its headquarters , and on Jan. 8 the Phalangist Radio Free Lebanon reported that Walid Khaled , the RCF spokesman in Lebanon , said they had been " moved to a friendly country in preparation " ; on Jan. 12 Sa'id was paroled and sent to Libya , and the hostages were handed over to the Belgian government .
4 The top copy is detached and sent to the firm 's local tax inspector .
5 Some editors decide whether the first set of comments have been met and send for fresh reports only for major revisions , whereas others seem to obtain fresh referees ' reports routinely .
6 Bayezid I later repented of what he had done and sent to the ruler of Karaman requesting the return of Molla Fenari , whereupon Molla Fenari returned to his former positions .
7 Two or three months prior to the Dams Raid , when the new squadron was being formed in the spring of 1943 , ground crew personnel from all over Bomber Command were selected and sent to Scampton , the best men at their respective jobs , for what they only knew at that time was going to be one special operation .
8 b A draft Advert should be prepared and sent to the Regional Information Office , Regional Chambers , advising which newspaper/s should print the advert and on which dates ( if relevant . )
9 Notice of payment in is prepared and sent by the court office to all parties ( N 242 or 243 ) ( Ord 11 , r 1(10) ) .
10 In December 1937 he applied for a short-service commission in the RAF and to his evident amazement was accepted and sent for elementary flying training in 90 m.p.h .
11 The container is then collected and sent for analysis .
12 Using the services of the security carrier when delivering cash , the customer arranges for cheques from branches to be collected and sent to Midland 's DSC .
13 Samples of water , soil , mud and leaves were collected and sent to the Environmental and Chemical Analysis group at Sunbury , where analytical chemists Jim Crighton and Ian Roberts undertook the work .
14 It is known that shortly after its discovery , a copy , now lost , was made and sent to Spain .
15 A newsletter is regularly produced including excerpts from the electronic messages received and sent by children using the network .
16 Numerous items of correspondence have been received and sent by the tennis action committee but there is no progress to report .
17 Diplomatic missions were received and sent from time to time , and during the sixteenth century Japanese traders and pirates dominated the seas of Southeast Asia , but both channels of contact virtually ceased in the seclusion period .
18 But in the light of the collapse of the Berlin Wall , which occurred after this book was completed and sent to my publishers , we have changed its title to Britain 's Defence Dilemma : An
19 A form letter should be completed and sent to the supplier when errors occur .
20 At the end of the season they were withdrawn and sent to Museums , making a total of six Standards preserved , three in U.K. and three in the U.S.A.
21 The ex-London United cars which had been working on the Croydon — Mitcham route were now transferred to the Sutton route , to work alongside the J type cars ( 1s-16s ) , four of which were withdrawn and sent to Brixton Hill .
22 The property information questionnaire should be handed or sent to the client-seller at the commencement of the transaction .
23 Each form had to be copied and sent to a different department editor .
24 From part of this twelve gun barrels were forged and sent to Enfield , but they did not show the desired improvement .
25 Miloš had his victim 's head stuffed and sent to Istanbul as a present to the sultan .
26 When I was a child I once went round the house tearing all the stickers off ; I was belted and sent to my room for two days .
27 But imperfection and incompleteness are normalcy ; sheets get tom rugs stained and sent for cleaning pictures need reframing spice jars break on stone floors .
28 Payslips are produced and sent to you together with a payroll report for management information and audit purposes .
29 A questionnaire was then drafted and sent to a random sample of headteachers for their and their staff 's comments .
30 They 'll be cleaned and sent for scrap .
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