Example sentences of "[det] include [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Self-help and support groups have become popular in recent years , and the best of these include a skilled professional .
2 These include a major conference in July 1982 for representatives from each of the Major Project schools at that date , courses on study skills in fourth-year and fifth-year project work , half-day courses on study skills in relation to science for prospective Major Project schools , and two open courses on effective learning and study skills .
3 These include a heated swimming pool , sauna and solarium , crazy golf , Exmoor club in which you can enjoy free entertainment , a shop and ‘ Country Kitchen ’ restaurant , launderette , good bar food and take away meals .
4 These include a naval base , a composite air unit , a growing communications , intelligence collection , and logistics support infrastructure .
5 These include a unified system of penalties for smuggling people , the creation special units to deal with illegal migration , the exchange of information and unified border controls .
6 These include a macro lens at the touch of a button — great for capturing details of flowers — and a fully automatic built in flash which gives out a pre-flash emission to minimise ‘ red eye ’ .
7 These include a quarterly magazine and copies of minutes from General Assemblies and AGMs .
8 These include a new stringent ‘ actively seeking work ’ test which was introduced this October , as well as showing that you are available for work the rest of the week .
9 These include a new stringent ‘ actively seeking work ’ test which was introduced this October , as well as showing that you are available for work the rest of the week .
10 These include a new stringent ‘ actively seeking work ’ test which was introduced this October , as well as showing that you are available for work the rest of the week .
11 These include a new manual and information video .
12 These include a one per cent discount for single contributions and a five per cent loyalty bonus for people who hold on for ten years .
13 These include a sensual terracotta of ‘ Zeus and Ganymede ’ of 1803–1805 , and a maquette for the marble portrait of the marquis de Tornay .
14 These include a patented fumigation system , electronic fly killers and sonic systems which deter bird flocks from roosting on particular buildings .
15 These include a dedicated engine test facility , rolling road and ageing and evaluation cells as well as SCAT ( Simulated Catalytic Activity Testing ) analytical benches .
16 These include a different position for the face of the nude woman ; a different colour for the drapery of the clothed woman ( originally red , now white ) and less of it ; and more figures — now difficult to read precisely — at the left hand side of the composition .
17 These include a permanent exhibition of contemporary science , showing ‘ what science is today , how it is being applied , and where it is going ’ , Bray said .
18 For gravitational waves these include a degenerate Ferrari-Ibañez ( 1987b ) solution and the solution of Chandrasekhar and Xanthopoulos ( 1986b ) , which are respectively parts of the Schwarzschild and Kerr space-times .
19 These include a biological reductionism applied to gender roles , a presumption that women belong in the family but hardly anywhere else , and a ‘ functionalist ’ analysis of the family and its connections with the rest of society .
20 The most significant of these include a multi-million dollar American military programme for fibre-optic gyro systems , and retrofit business , again in the United States , for fuel gauging equipment .
21 In Mr Clifford 's case , these include a starring role on the front page of newspapers and a cast-iron guarantee that a reputation as a woman of doubtful values will follow .
22 All fats are made up of fatty acids : some of these are saturated fatty acids ( called saturates ) , the rest are unsaturated and these include a special group called polyunsaturated fatty acids ( or polyunsaturates ) .
23 These include a special edition of the journal , Work , Employment and Society ( December 1991 ) and a forthcoming book , bearing the conference title , with Berg Press .
24 In Scotland these include a special campaign to make the carrying of knives an offence ; the use of bullet-proof video cameras as a method of town centre surveillance ; and , most widely applied of all , a curb on late-night licences .
25 These include a considerable number of American or Dominion visitors to the Lake District .
26 But there are costs involved as well and these include the increased effort you have to make in conversation erm and loss of perceived integrity and personal group identity sacrificing yourself to match up to them .
27 then entrance requirements for SCE candidates and GCE candidates separately : these include the normal minimum grades required for admission in terms of SCE Highers or GCE A-levels , and any specific subject qualifications required ( such as Higher or A-level Physics for entry to degrees in Engineering ) .
28 These include the great reed warbler , the wheatear , the whitethroat and the redstart but , as yet , none of these is as well studied as the pied flycatcher .
29 These include the physiological comfort of pleasant working conditions and the avoidance of stress caused by illness or shortage of money .
30 These include the spatial or temporal intervals between the elements making up a display ( Kimura , 1969 ; Hines and Satz , 1971 ) , the distance of stimuli from fixation ( Bryden , 1966 ; McKeever and Gill 1972c ; Carmon and Nachson , 1973 ; Curcio , MacKavey and Rosen , 1974 ) , the spatial frequency of the stimulus ( Rao , Rourke and Whitman , 1981 ) , the directional characteristics of words and letters ( Harcum and Filion , 1963 ; Bryden , 1966 ; 1968 ; White , 1969b ) , the number of times a stimulus is presented ( Hardyck , Tzeng and Wang , 1977 ; 1978 ; Schmuller , 1980 ) , exposure duration ( Bryden , 1965 ; Gill and McKeever , 1974 ; Beaumont and Dimond , 1975 ) , stimulus size ( Pring , 1981 ; Pitblado , 1979b ) , typeface ( Bryden and Allard , 1976 ) , complexity ( Fontenot , 1973 ) and discriminability ( Patterson and Bradshaw , 1975 ) .
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