Example sentences of "[det] seems [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This seems not unreasonable in view of the provision for public transport , present and proposed ( ie the metro ) .
2 This seems particularly objectionable when pleasures and pains prevented come into account , for one may well think it worse in an action to produce pain than merely to hinder a corresponding amount of pleasure occurring .
3 With only nine gardeners , and a derisory annual budget of L30 million ( £14,000 ; $24,300 ) this seems scarcely surprising .
4 This seems rather illogical , because it seems to belong more naturally to the rather irregular box-shape of Auriga .
5 If the only effect on health of such interventions is adverse this seems remarkably poor value for money .
6 But this seems so purposeless .
7 All this seems fairly straightforward , but the remarkable fact is that there are particles that do not look the same if one turns them through just one revolution : you have to turn them through two complete revolutions !
8 This seems fairly remarkable and it can only be assumed they are being kept awake by ghost stories and surveys about what people do in bed .
9 More important is the fact that nobody can really tell whether Germany has a successful economy because of its voting system ( though , between you and me , this seems as unlikely as a cart pulling a horse ) or whether it seems to have satisfactory constitutional arrangements because its economy has been working so well for so long .
10 Fundamental to the idea of finely divided ‘ niches ’ , however , is the notion that there are finite or limiting resources , whereas in trees in the tropics with abundant light , water , CO2 and a conservative nutrient-cycling system , this seems as inappropriate as it does in the case of tropical corals making up species-rich reefs , where food is not readily seen as limiting when compared with space to occupy .
11 If this seems too severe , there is no denying that the development of the industrial co-operative sector has had little reason over the years to feel grateful to the Consumer Movement .
12 Even if we are able to show that it is not possible for there to be people who feel as we do but have no disposition to behave as we do , or vice versa , the behaviourist way of doing this seems too extreme .
13 If this seems too scandalous an idea , as it is for many people , it can be modified without damage to Freud 's other theories , and the cultures of human societies may be seen as transmitting the repressed material of earlier generations to the present one .
14 This seems quite antiquated and unnecessary but it seems to appear in virtually all commercial leases and landlords ' solicitors seem reluctant to start a new trend by agreeing to its deletion .
15 5.13.2 If called upon to do so to furnish to the Landlord the Surveyor or any person acting as the third party determining the rent in default of agreement between the parties under any provisions for rent review contained in this Lease such information as may [ reasonably ] be requested in writing in relation to any pending or intended step under the 1954 Act or the implementation of any provisions for rent review This seems quite innocuous but an unreasonable landlord could become a nuisance and apart from ensuring that " reasonably " is included , the tenant should also begin each subclause as follows : If called upon to do so ( but not more frequently than may be reasonable )
16 The Committee did not meet again until August 30th , a break of almost three months , and when it did , it was without any reference to the course ; this seems quite remarkable .
17 This seems quite difficult at first , but you should soon be able to weave more quickly as you find out when you move your hand to release the yarn ready to lay it over for the next row .
18 This seems mightily optimistic .
19 This seems alarmingly true today .
20 As a matter of principle this seems excessively hard on third parties ; the buffer stock Manager was known publicly to be the representative of the International Tin Council , there was reliance upon this by the third parties and the States therefore should not be able later to deny their involvement .
21 This seems very close to the name of the former manor of Lantyan , still the name of woodlands and a farmstead beside the River Fowey below Castle Dore .
22 If all this seems very technical , detailed and depressing , do not despair !
23 This seems very similar to Sheldrake 's concept of the morphogenetic field and to Lethbridge 's ideas on the formation of the nymphs of the elements .
24 This seems very improbable , though it would have been consistent with his character to reject an organized challenge to the social order but to appreciate and even think of emulating and thereby vanquishing a personal one .
25 Certainly , this seems more plausible than the story of Franco 's late arrival , which was almost certainly invented later as part of the propaganda campaign to present him as the powerful statesman for whom even Adolf Hitler would wait .
26 This seems more likely than that everything will be back to normal by this autumn , as the government claims .
27 However this seems only appropriate for the central figure , especially since his name is so strikingly left uncategorised .
28 And this seems only natural , just what one would expect .
29 This seems somewhat cool behaviour , considering that the governors appear to have done nothing to put the medal up for competition .
30 If all this seems somewhat esoteric , the Jain parable of the Blind men and the elephant , which is given in Chapter 13 , could be made into a similar diagram , and other examples then worked through such as " getting to know about " a work of art , an event , a person , a culture .
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