Example sentences of "[det] than a minute " in BNC.

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1 I had n't been there for more than a minute when the skipper bellowed : ‘ This is melanoma country , mate .
2 But the cylinders were so small they could not hold more than a minute of material .
3 True , this is on one of those detested and expensive 0898 numbers but I am assures that Directus keep the message as succinct as possible and that is rare for a call to last more than a minute .
4 It 's a whirlwind ride which rarely lingers for more than a minute on individual songs until we reach the '90s and the Zoo TV extravaganza .
5 The whole performance had taken no more than a minute , but in that time he 'd succeeded in turning the Chamber 's table into a fish-market gutter .
6 Any non-party candidate will have a very small chance of being elected and if , surprisingly , he is elected , he will have no more than a minute chance of exercising significant influence in the House .
7 But after a week of total failure to concentrate for more than a minute he had to acknowledge to himself that nothing was going right .
8 He shook his arm vigorously for more than a minute , but it was impossible to tell in the uneven twilight whether it dropped out or not .
9 Besides , he 'd never be able to sustain it for more than a minute or two .
10 He listened to the ringing tone repeated for more than a minute before he gave up .
11 And these hung still , though alertly braced , for more than a minute , while the torch he carried ranged round the interior of the passage , and leaked little sparks of muted light into the outer day .
12 When he had finished , she said nothing for more than a minute , but continued to stare at him , as if still seeking the assurance she had hoped his account would supply .
13 I did n't intend this to take more than a minute .
14 The death sentences were commuted at the end of 1849 , but only when the prisoners had arrived at the place of execution and been led to believe , as Dostoevsky put it , that they " had no more than a minute left to live " .
15 I gesture ( I imagine ) towards a chair on the other side of my desk and he sits down in an attitude which suggests that he intends to stay for rather more than a minute , and rather less than half an hour .
16 Yeah but just phone up and just be on for more , more than a minute , you know , would n't be so bad but you start hanging about .
17 Oh , that 's called a howler , that 's a howler , if you leave your handset off the hook for more than a minute , 25 seconds , or is it 60 I ca n't remember , for a length of time you get the howler .
18 CAFE Quick is a state-of-the-art vending machine which dispenses freshly cooked meals from frozen in less than a minute .
19 Café Quick meals take less than a minute to heat up
20 Less than a minute later it will be on its feet again as if nothing had happened .
21 Over coffee in the study Miss Danziger thanked the guests individually for their concern , apologised for interrupting their enjoyment of an excellent meal , and explained that so long as she came out of the spasm in less than a minute and a half it was not dangerous and left no ill-effects .
22 Taping the man 's mouth , hands , and ankles took less than a minute .
23 The engine leapt , shouted , and was tamed , and in less than a minute we had taken off from the little beach and were circling the island .
24 He moved the rest of the boxes in less than a minute .
25 If they were fed in manually , this would imply exactly the kind of task objected to by the unions — namely , a task paced by the automatic welder and with a cycle time of less than a minute .
26 He got into the van for less than a minute , then went back to his room , and Latowa drove off .
27 Less than a minute later noise erupted from the drawing room and excited voices drifted down the hall .
28 Rugby lead 16–10 with less than a minute to go but a try under the posts brought a defeat by 17–16 that in David Ray 's words ‘ … did not seem to matter ’ .
29 A personal computer with a single 66MHz 80486 will render a broadcast quality , full screen , complex piece of ray-tracing in less than a minute .
30 A personal computer with a single 66MHz 80486 will render a broadcast quality , full screen , complex piece of ray-tracing in less than a minute .
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