Example sentences of "[det] at the bottom " in BNC.

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1 Put this at the bottom of a deep casserole , which must not be much bigger than the piece of meat , which you should then put in with the calf 's foot on top .
2 " Scald a sufficient quantity of fruit , and pulp it through a sieve , add sugar agreeable to taste , make a thick layer of this at the bottom of your dish : mix a pint of milk , a pint of cream , and the yolks of two eggs : scald it over the fire , observing to stir it : add a small quantity of sugar , and let it get cold : then lay it over the apples or gooseberries with a spoon , and put on the whole a whip [ a syllabub ] made the day before .
3 Because without this at the bottom , nothing else worked .
4 What 's this at the bottom here ?
5 Oh this at the bottom .
6 Good , can you can you read this at the bottom ?
7 A clamping bar of aluminium or brass is needed across the top of the assembly to ensure that the clamping force is uniformly distributed over the cross-section of the outer limbs and another at the bottom , though this can be a simple flat strip of brass or aluminium .
8 your sugar was all at the bottom of your cup then
9 They 're probably all at the bottom .
10 They are probably all at the bottom .
11 It 's all at the bottom
12 As a result , those at the bottom of the social heap were abandoned in a perverse kind of educational apartheid .
13 Horses at the top of the pecking order will have the highest self-esteem , and those at the bottom the lowest .
14 These points were then totalled and posted up in the staff room , and at the end of the year those at the bottom of the list were dismissed .
15 It was those at the bottom of the social pile , without contacts or Western goods to deal with , who had to submit to the ordeal .
16 Even after adjustment the differences between those at the top and those at the bottom remained substantial : among men , those in grade 6 had 3.7 and 6.4 times higher rates of sickness absence than those in grade 1 for short and long spells respectively .
17 It can not be said often enough that these are not the people at the top of the organization , but those at the bottom .
18 The unequal distribution of resources in stratified societies enables the better-off to obtain privileged access to educational facilities to have their talent developed , while at the same time disadvantaging those at the bottom .
19 Those at the bottom rarely moved up , and nearly half of the sons of the upper-middle class stayed there .
20 British society is unequal , with those at the bottom of the hierarchy having many overlapping disadvantages , as described for black people .
21 The third part of Mrs Thatcher 's strategy of creating an enterprise culture , which massively rewards those at the top while penalizing those at the bottom of the income pile , has been the launching of a series of reforms of the welfare state .
22 Over the post decade , tax welfare has played an increasingly important part in boosting the living standards of the rich , while welfare cuts have reduced the income of those at the bottom of the pile .
23 The first is the dramatic increase in unemployment and the concentration of recent job losses on those at the bottom of the social hierarchy .
24 The selectivity of the Government 's approach is again illuminated by once again comparing the treatment handed out to those at the bottom of the social hierarchy , where the Government has launched a determined attack on what it calls the ‘ dependency culture ’ .
25 The Thatcher fiscal revolution — redistributing income to those with most — must be reversed , but in such a way as to extend an incentive-based society to all taxpayers , and particularly those at the bottom of the income pile .
26 However , in a meritocracy , those at the bottom are clearly inferior .
27 The basic components of Maslow 's theory are often presented as a pyramid , but this seems to imply that those needs situated at the top of the pyramid are more important than those at the bottom .
28 People in the top band in Wales will pay only three times the council tax of those at the bottom , although the value of their property is more than eight times greater .
29 Those at the bottom of the pile could expect little better ; workers in the " dishonourable " trades were stigmatised by degeneracy and evident inferiority .
30 In pressing ahead we can not er overlook the position of the poorest , the social costs of not adjusting are much higher and affect many more people than the costs of adjusting but we must be prepared to help those at the bottom of society to cope and this is where you , as N G Os can play a special role .
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