Example sentences of "[det] than the average " in BNC.

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1 Those aged over 55 now have a purchasing power of more than £25 billion annually , spending 13 per cent more than the average on holidays , cars and durables .
2 Forty one per head more than the average of all comparable Authorities .
3 The need for sleep varies from person to person — some require more than the average eight hours sleep a night be perfectly normal .
4 Options will be granted under seal and will be exercisable within a period of ten years and will entitle the recipients to acquire ordinary shares in the Company at a price determined by the Committee , being not less than the average of the middle market quotations for such shares as derived from the Daily Official List of The Stock Exchange for the three dealing days immediately preceding the date of grant or the market value ( as agreed with the Inland Revenue ) of the shares as at the date of grant ( or , in the case of new shares , their nominal value if greater ) .
5 There are occasions when you get an odd fish that weighs a couple of pounds more or less than the average on that day , but to expect this to happen is foolhardy .
6 Despite the two-child family becoming the average this century , most women married since 1930 have not had two children : three-quarters had at least one child more or less than the average .
7 per annum less than the average for English non-metropolitan forces .
8 Proportionately , the reduction in Wales is less than the average for the United Kingdom as a whole .
9 Yet the average price our books is only a little over £16 — less than the average paid for all books in shops .
10 Hence , the investor might conclude that Commercial Union was slightly more volatile than comparable firms and earned slightly less than the average for the sector .
11 Workers in Northumberland are among the poorest paid and twice as likely to earn less than the average for workers throughout the European Community according to a survey by the Northern Region Low Pay Unit .
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