Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] make [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some interviewers make a grid and award marks against each heading .
2 Some fishkeepers make the mistake of mixing other types of Malawis ( usually Aulonocaras and Cyrtocara moorii ) with Mbuna .
3 The elvish song which follows immediately on the ‘ Walking Song ’ indeed says just that , though probably few readers make the connection straight away .
4 So some farmers make the decision to change the crops in each field from one year to another , by rotation .
5 Extra cars ( at today 's prices ) may cost £55 each though some firms make a basic charge plus mileage .
6 Some practitioners make a Form 94A search which gives priority in favour of a purchaser , taking the view that the wife is the equivalent of a purchaser .
7 Some Zanskaris make a six day shopping expedition to Leh taking goat wool and yak butter to trade and returning along the river with salt , tea , sugar , rice , matches and perhaps one or two luxury items .
8 Some scientists make a deep impression on their discipline and John Pople , a quantum chemist , comes into this category .
9 Some couples make a habit of talking through whatever is bothering either of them whenever it crops up .
10 Some clinicians make the mistake of giving stickers for staying clean but this can easily cause additional problems of the child 's becoming constipated to stay clean rather than passing motions in the correct place .
11 Some adults make the choice to live on their own after they have tried various shared living arrangements and discovered that they prefer to be in control of their own life and make their own rules .
12 Such considerations make the ‘ voluntary — do n't have to worry about income inequality ’ view look somewhat forced .
13 He gives equal emphasis to the possibility that such characteristics make the game an ideal vehicle for aggressive confrontations between rival groups of young males .
14 Such aids make the stand look more attractive .
15 The answers to such questions make the moral judgement on my work as an architect .
16 Such figures make a mockery of talk during the past couple of years about the ‘ world economic recession ’ .
17 Such societies make the conflicts of history irreducible to Sartre 's logic unless , like the boxing match , they can be shown to take part in a larger totalizable category .
18 These proposals make no sense and must be changed .
19 All these images make the claim that there is one God who is understood in a variety of ways by the world 's different religious traditions .
20 These words make the formulaic character of the disposition especially clear , for not only is there a trust clause but there is also a general legacy per damnationem .
21 These channels make the membrane permeable to ions or molecules , which can then enter the cell and act as signals for the initiation of the biochemical cascades which ultimately lead , in ways that I shall describe in the next chapter , to the synthesis of new synaptic membrane components and hence to synaptic remodelling .
22 Combined , these senses make the shark 's world more remarkable than any celluloid image could possibly convey .
23 Together , these elements make an organic whole ; if any one of them is missing the outcome is not history .
24 These lines make the poem 's opening reference to women 's softness and weakness sound like an ironic echo of Pope 's ‘ Epistle to a Lady ’ :
25 These noises make a tapestry , each one an individual stitch .
26 Well , that 's how a lot of these places make the money is n't it ?
27 If confirmed , these revelations make a bit of a mockery of the financial sanctions imposed on Iraq in August .
28 Unfortunately , these ideas make a lot more sense in spreadsheets contemplated by bean counters — a special type , as the British enjoy a breakfast consisting of beans and toast — than they do at display counters contemplated by customers .
29 These committees make the final decision on publication , although we ask for almost every paper to be revised before publication .
30 It 's picking up signals of what your mental and physical state is and referring back to a lot of experience — all of these things make a kind of gut instinct .
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