Example sentences of "[det] [prep] once [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand there 's a part of me that rejoices , that is glad he paid the way he did , that for once the world worked the way it 's supposed to , punishing the wrongdoer … and that saddens and sickens me too , because I think that this must be the way Andy feels all the time .
2 Her hand moved ahead of her lips , ablaze when she brushed the fine wiry hair between Lucy 's thighs , all at once a mapless explorer in a rich forest .
3 When I offer you champagne you laugh in a way that only you have , like a stream all at once a delighted cascade into this deep swirling pool of warm humour .
4 ‘ I have to pee , ’ said Lucy , all at once a child to be coaxed into the treat she wants .
5 All at once a single shaft of moonlight exploded through a high window and struck this disc , causing it to revolve .
6 In the finale , as the whole orchestra was pronouncing the triple supplication ‘ Do-na-no-bis-pa-cem ’ , all at once a wonderful gesture escaped you : you plunged your left fist deep down as if you were setting the torch to the side of a funeral pyre .
7 Naturally both sides got down and our men started swearing at the Germans , when all at once a brave German got on to his parapet and shouted ‘ We are very sorry about that ; we hope no one was hurt .
8 The children chased them , and all at once a crowd below .
9 And all at once a strange sensation came over him .
10 ‘ One sight of this boy here — this gift from God — and I felt all at once a burning in my arm .
11 All at once a bright fire seemed to burn through her veins , making her skin glow and causing her limbs to tremble .
12 Even then , he had not got as far as thinking what would be the music that introduced the News and all at once the screen was filled with a picture of his own house , a picture that nearly jolted him out of his skin .
13 All at once the engine uttered a roar and the long silver pistons began to labour .
14 All at once the range of plants we can grow has extended to include many of the magically evocative creatures that we encounter on our annual run for the sun .
15 All at once the fox leaps round , catches and kills the crow and makes a meal of it .
16 Come , Sergeant ! ’ it cried , and all at once the great yellow beast turned and climbed the far bank … and disappeared .
17 All at once the range of available experiences is vastly increased , and it is not long before the apathetic , listless and relatively incompetent infant is transformed into an active , gay , intellectually capable child .
18 All at once the long green eyes were glittering at her .
19 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
20 All at once the stair lights came on .
21 The rock jutted through the thin pelt of flowers and grass , and all at once the horizon concertinaed .
22 All at once the pose for Faye seemed like a prison as she felt the heat and colour creep up her neck and face , and she jumped self-consciously as Faye said , ‘ Damn !
23 At 6.30 pm the tropical darkness descends — like a train going into a tunnel — and all at once the crickets begin their chorus .
24 And all at once the coldness that had seemed to freeze her was being swept aside by a sudden rushing warmth .
25 But all at once the light-hearted feel to the conversation had flown .
26 He turned towards the door — and all at once the room was plunged into darkness and a whine of hideous music exploded from the overhead speakers .
27 All at once the shore was suddenly very close indeed , the grey smudge resolving into green fields and a sandy beach with houses in a grey and white arc behind it .
28 CBGB 's is all at once an intrinsically ‘ Noo York ’ place and a thousand light-years away from the push'n'shove of this most overbearing of cities .
29 But maybe it was the way he was looking across at her with those all-seeing predatory jet-black eyes of his , or maybe it was the way she felt just a bit claustrophobic at being shut up beside him in the narrow confines of the car and the desire that sparked in her to have this ordeal over quickly , but all at once an idea popped into her head .
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