Example sentences of "[det] [prep] the former " in BNC.

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1 Although some of the former have been reclassified today , it is interesting to see what were listed in the mid-eighteenth century : Rosa canina , spinosissima , villosa , eglanteria , scotica , inermis , hispanica , scandens , sempervirens , virginiana , lutea , punicea , moschata , centifolia , damascena , alba , belgica , provincialis , incarnata , gallica , cinnamomea and muscosa .
2 Again there is nostalgic recollection of some of the former county names e.g. Pembrokeshire .
3 The tour will include a view of some of the former waterworks equipment and will provide an insight into how the rangers manage the park and balance the needs of wildlife with those of the visiting public .
4 After the collapse and division of the NF , the BNP began in late 1989 and early 1990 to take on some of the former 's street-presence .
5 Some of the former private enterprise managers ( notably E. H. E. Woodward on the Central Authority and Harry Randall at the London Board ) had seen from the beginning that proper decentralisation required that the Boards relate capital expenditure to revenue-earning potential in order to retain direct control of their financial viability ; and outside commentators were sometimes surprised that the Boards ' decisions on capital expenditure to meet statutory obligations were made quite separately from the revenue estimates which determined their profitability .
6 But following discussions with the DoH , the SSD is now planning to write direct to those authorities which are known to have recruited some of the former workers .
7 However , he emphasised that Ukraine wanted a share of the resources allocated to the former Soviet Union by Germany , for resettling on its territory some of the former Soviet servicemen who were to be withdrawn from Germany by 1994 [ see p. 38354 ] .
8 If we say that such-and-such a group of words are the " subject " or that some other group of words are the " predicate " in a copular verb phrase , we are , by such observations , recognizing the speaker 's intention to construct expressions which will identify certain properties and entities , and to assign some of the former to one of the latter , so as to let an audience know what entities are under attention and which properties are claimed to hold for which entities ; we take this to be the essence of what goes on in the use and understanding of linguistic expression ( whatever the purpose to which individual acts of communication are directed ) .
9 Yet in many pastoral societies , and in the modern West and Japan , they are widely used , in some of the former instances becoming virtual panaceas . )
10 In Wales , old republican soldiers and even some of the former disciples of the Fifth Monarchist , Vavasor Powell , accepted places on the remodelled bench in 1687 – 8 , much to the horror of local Tories , who portrayed the new magistrates as " the old gang " of 1641 .
11 In this region the integration of the drainage pattern is so good that practically every point in the area can be assigned to one or another of the former drainage basins .
12 But at a time when tunes from bourgeois sources were increasingly popular and when traditional , so called ‘ folk ’ tunes were in decline , certainly in the music hall , Corvan used comparatively few of the former and actively retained many of the latter .
13 Another interesting development of the last year or two has been the introduction of courses in art and design , leading to the CNAA BA , by a few of the former colleges of education with large art , design and craft resources , which are now part of colleges of higher education .
14 Such a redeployment has not , however , been easy , as few of the former colleges of education staff have had much experience of further education and were not fully turned to its needs , particularly in respect of curriculum development .
15 A party of European journalists , some from the former Eastern bloc , will also be touring the town .
16 Former Olympic champion Sebastian Coe was appointed president of the new committee which is made up of three members from each of the former rival groups .
17 The division of Glamorgan allowed each of the former county boroughs to be placed in a separate county though in terms of total area or population a unified Glamorgan would not be unusual in an English context .
18 Let it be supposed that according to the usual methods of borrowing and funding , the Public Debts , during the present war , should encrease to no greater degree than they did in the last war ; which was about 30 millions : And let it be supposed , according to past experience , that in ten or twelve years after a peace ; we should be plunged into a fresh war ; which might encrease the debts of the nation 30 millions more , and that afterwards we should have another breathing time of ten or twelve years , and that according to custom a third war should ensue , no less expensive than each of the former two ; these three wars will swell the national debts to the amount of 170 millions , and that in little more than fifty years .
19 Tanzania is one of the very few countries in Africa that broadcasts in only one African language plus that of the former colonial power .
20 Second , because its hidden curriculum can be just as undermining to our real intentions as that of the former withdrawal system .
21 Andrew Marvell 's ‘ The Garden ’ , however , offers a quite different mode of retreat than that of the former poet .
22 There is even a small band of thorn pattern to the " bottom right " of the latter , which matches that of the former .
23 Road widening is an inevitable and current threat to many former roadhouses , such as the former ‘ Chez Laurie ’ on the A299 near Herne Bay ( W M Bishop , 1936 ) .
24 They are often sited in very desirable locations : mental hospitals , in particular , such as the former county asylums which sprung up after the Lunacy Act of 1847 , are located on the outskirts of towns , in landscaped grounds thoughtfully planned for the patients ' well-being .
25 Gates in the wall gave access to the lake from High Street properties such as the former New Inn , its floor levels dropping in stages to the garden wall .
26 Other party leaders , such as the former Communist Herbert Wehner , agreed change was needed , and in November 1959 their views triumphed in the Bad Godesberg programme , drawn up at a special party meeting .
27 In countries such as the former Czechoslovakia ( now two separate nations ) , two-thirds of motor lubricants are bought from petrol stations .
28 Much of the former forests has been cleared by cutting and burning .
29 The first of these columns is very much in the former category and will appear in the next issue .
30 44 ) , but the stylisation of these in the former — as in the simple , geometric mosaics with which it is associated — suggests considerable stylistic distance .
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