Example sentences of "[vb past] filled [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 The excitement of this first fall of rain had filled her with a desire that things should be different , that she should be happy again .
2 Her feelings on that day had been so overpowering , had filled her with such sharp pleasure that always she hoped that their ghosts must still be lingering among the leaves .
3 She 'd felt a warmth go through her , as though he 'd reached out and touched her , an imaginary touch that had filled her with excitement .
4 It had once been a well , serving the monastery , but when the Red Guards had come they had filled it with broken statuary , almost to its rim , and now the water — channelled from the hills above by way of an underground stream — rose to the lip of the well .
5 His mouth felt dry , as if someone had filled it with sand .
6 It was if someone had filled it with sand .
7 Miss Menzies had filled it with petrol on the Friday afternoon and used it on the Monday morning .
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