Example sentences of "[vb past] rise to the " in BNC.

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1 Berkeley 's theory gave rise to the development of modern externalist theories of mental content .
2 I can not remember a single one where the risks which gave rise to the accident could not have been measured and prevented with effective safety training , management commitment and — above all - sufficient funds .
3 This gave rise to the phrase Beecher 's Bibles , a harking back to the nickname — Breeches Bible — for the translation of the Bible issued in 1560 .
4 If , however , we wish to prove the existence of ‘ the back of ’ something using quite different criteria of testimony and disallowing all those activities which gave rise to the concept in the first place , then perhaps our proof of the uncertainty of the existence of backs will be less powerful than has been imagined .
5 On the other hand , the chance of a ‘ surprise ’ Conservative victory ( bringing with it a soaring pound and a quick cut to interest rates , which would in turn boost the economy ) gave rise to the thought that the index might go up by 300 points .
6 Some seven years before the death of King Charles II , Princess Mary of England had married William of the House of Orange , and that gave rise to the English-Dutch alliance in 1678 .
7 The classification of the natural world is supposed to reflect the great ordering process that itself gave rise to the variety and diversity of animals and plants that are alive today : the process of evolution .
8 At some time in the Permo-Triassic one group of reptiles ( ‘ mammal-like reptiles ’ ) actually gave rise to the warm-blooded mammals , which were to lead a rather subordinate existence during the heyday of the dinosaurs .
9 Scientific breakthroughs made this seem possible and gave rise to the Green Revolution .
10 For centuries the outer edges of the world map dwindled to empty lands and seas where early cartographers filled the vast spaces with sea monsters and mythical creatures which gave rise to the figure of speech ‘ Here be Dragons ’ .
11 This gave rise to the growth of the movement for ‘ gifted children ’ , a movement resented and disliked by many schools .
12 The inventions of Lancashire men for mechanizing the production of cotton goods gave rise to the familiar industrial landscape of this part of England ; the tall brick-built mills which made ‘ King Cotton ’ the pride and joy of Victorian Britain .
13 These terms are only relative to the particular causal model in hand : in a different model we might want to explain what gave rise to the prior variable .
14 These paper notes , redeemable in gold or silver were transferable and thus gave rise to the use of paper money in England .
15 A shopkeeper who refused to sell constables cigarettes at a discount and complained of the illegal sale of similar goods to the public from their own trading organization , the Police Guild , could find himself summonsed by the same officers for employing children under age ( which in turn gave rise to the banning of the Police Guild by the Watch Committee ) .
16 A local authority , once satisfied that an odour amounts to a statutory nuisance is under a duty to serve an abatement notice in accordance with s.93 of the Public Health Act 1936 on the person whose act , default or sufferance gave rise to the nuisance or caused it to continue , requiring that person , in a specified time , usually two to six months , to abate the nuisance and to execute such remedial works and take such steps as may be necessary for that purpose .
17 This inevitably gave rise to the following : that equilibrium between the classes which was established during the civil war and which depended not on the ‘ normal ’ economic processes but on the mutual military interests of the proletariat and the peasantry …
18 The differences between these two races of wild cat support the idea that it was the African that originally gave rise to the domesticated feline .
19 The same occupation also gave rise to the popularly termed ‘ riveter 's ovaries ’ — another mysterious condition with no founding in medical science .
20 When such ‘ table carp ’ entered the genetic pool of Japanese Koi , it was these reflective scales , usually either side of the dorsal fin , that gave rise to the term ‘ Doitsu ’ — a corruption of the word ‘ Deutsch ’ , meaning ‘ German ’ .
21 Most of the video nasties which gave rise to the Act have passed this test with flying colours , whilst most porn fails .
22 The latter gave rise to the custom of ‘ baiting Black Annis ’ , with a dead cat soaked in aniseed , every Easter in an attempt to make her show herself so the priest could exorcise this malevolent spirit .
23 This research gave rise to the school of ‘ contingency theory ’ which is discussed at some length in Chapter 6 .
24 For most of the two centuries since that phenomenon began the conventional explanation has been that it was the new technology ( the spinning-jenny , the new weaving frames , and the steam engine ) which gave rise to the factory .
25 It was probably this practice that gave rise to the popular image of witches flying on broomsticks .
26 The bicentenary of Mozart 's birth gave rise to the instigation of a new complete edition — the ‘ Neue Mozart Ausgabe ’ — which continues today .
27 This gave rise to the ‘ fine-tuning hypothesis ’ which suggested that learning opportunities are maximised if the adult is able to ‘ fine tune ’ her speech so that its structural complexity is always slightly in advance of that of the child .
28 Mr Grist tells my colleague Bryan Rostron : ‘ A number of factors gave rise to the suspension , but the very fact that the authority itself lost confidence in him shows it was n't one particular thing .
29 Laurasia 's similar explosion gave rise to the North Atlantic , and the Tethys was widened to produce the Mediterranean and all the other shallow seas that decorate the central parts of Asia and southern Russia .
30 We have seen that the visual areas of the prestriate cortex recode image properties into properties of the object that gave rise to the image .
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