Example sentences of "[vb past] rise to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other lines gave rise to forms in which the shells were loosely coiled or almost straight .
2 In other words , did the religious belief stimulate the precise astronomical observation , or was it that the study of the skies gave rise to beliefs about the gods ?
3 The form of personal rule which Maclean established inevitably gave rise to claims that he was , if not actually involved in slave-trading and slave-holding , insufficiently energetic in combating them .
4 So far as the early history of the emancipation process is concerned Field 's position is probably stronger than Zakharova 's , for although Nicholas I 's call for a militia gave rise to disturbances among the peasantry in 1855 , although almost all the memoranda which circulated in private during the Crimean War referred to the possibility of peasant risings , and although Alexander II alluded to the prospect of rural uprisings both in his speech to the Moscow gentry and in his comments on the papers submitted to him by Haxthausen , it is hard to prove that rural developments took pride of place among the reasons for setting reform in train .
5 Although I now believe he over-estimated the importance of the part played by observation , his constant emphasis upon the personal , the sensuous and the experiential ( a world illuminated by the child 's sensitivity and never dictated by the teacher ) gave rise to work of much greater intensity , and much more varied in imagery , than the ultimately stereotyped products of Basic Design .
6 Not just the elements gave rise to life
7 Greek civilization not only gave rise to philosophy but it also produced , in the fifth century BC , the first real historians .
8 The same incident also gave rise to complaints by a number of members of the public in respect of the conduct of several police officers who had attended it .
9 For reasons to be explained , the original legislation was found to be defective , and was amended in 1976 ( and placed into the legislative context of the Public Order Act 1936 ) , but even after amendment it still gave rise to complaints that it fell short of the aspirations of its promoters in its effects .
10 In earlier examples , the boy trying to solve a design problem and the girl trying to spell a particular sound , the children turned to others for support because their tasks gave rise to questions which needed talking through .
11 Hallowell ( 1950 , 1956 ) went on to argue that the emergence of culture was due to a novel psychological structure rooted in the social behaviour of the gregarious primate that gave rise to Man .
12 In employing essentially utilitarian criteria , the Wolfenden Committee gave rise to legislation which decriminalised certain forms of homosexual conduct .
13 It was inconvenient ; the prospects for private accumulation in the future was slimmer ; the expectation that public enterprise would be less responsive to needs than free traders gave rise to fears of a general decline in wealth and amenity ,
14 The high subsidies offered by the UK government to Nissan and by other European governments to encourage Japanese investment gave rise to fears that the Europeans were engaging in ‘ beggar-my-neighbour ’ subsidy policies , which would benefit the Japanese and give them an unfair competitive advantage when compared to existing producers .
15 By the early 1980s problems for some Central and South American countries in meeting interest and principal repayments on outstanding loans gave rise to fears of an international debt crisis .
16 In both countries , the class relations that gave rise to nationalization have been reflected in the continuing ethos of ‘ progressive ’ public sector industrial relations and the notion of the ‘ good employer ’ , manifested in relatively good sick pay and pensions , ‘ humane ’ handling of redundancy , and so on .
17 These provisions gave rise to uncertainty largely because the courts showed a marked reluctance to interpret them according to the ordinary meaning of such words as ‘ void , and they also gave rise to injustice because under the Common Law an infant could still sue an adult upon a contract unenforceable against himself and incapable of ratification by him .
18 A. V. Dicey , the prominent nineteenth-century jurist and by no means an extreme anti-feminist , considered that while distinctions of rights founded on sex often gave rise to injustice ‘ they have this in their favour — they rest upon a difference not created by social conventions or by human prejudice and selfishness , or by accidental circumstances … which split society into classes , but by the nature of things ’ .
19 Although the political establishment apparently accepted that the family was entitled to some role during the minority , its closeness to the young king gave rise to anxiety about how that role would develop .
20 Although the political establishment apparently accepted that the family was entitled to some role during the minority , its closeness to the young king gave rise to anxiety about how that role would develop .
21 It inevitably gave rise to speculation amongst his companions .
22 This gave rise to speculation that Suchard planned to use these funds to launch another takeover bid , possibly for Cadbury Schweppes .
23 The tour , considered a diplomatic triumph for de Klerk , gave rise to speculation that participants at the European Communities summit scheduled for June in Dublin , would recommend the lifting of at least some economic sanctions .
24 This last demand gave rise to speculation about the level of the involvement of the army leadership in the organization of the coup .
25 ‘ The situation and the fertility of this bottom gave rise to reflections touching the present state of the labouring classes , who , in dungeon-like cellars , and bye allies , eke out a miserable existence , while with infinitely greater comfort to themselves , and honour and profit to the affluent , they might enjoy , in vast happiness , such peaceful and sequestered abodes as Gillerthwaite . ’
26 The rapid growth of private charity in these years also gave rise to institutions demonstrating a variety of approaches to the palliation of poverty .
27 The weather gave rise to problems other than in the air .
28 As a result , life in such temporary accommodation can be extremely stressful and can serve to add markedly to the stresses which gave rise to homelessness in the first place .
29 The sort of events which gave rise to calls for statutory curbs — long-lens shots of the Duchess of York 's poolside exploits , or the ‘ Squidgy ’ tape — have not recurred .
30 The Sotheby sale in 1936 made the contents of Newton 's Portsmouth papers much better known and gave rise to Lord Keynes 's famous description of Newton as the ‘ last of the magicians ’ .
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