Example sentences of "[vb past] agreed [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only about 70% of households approached agreed to participate in the Family Expenditure Survey .
2 He showed me the location of Bentwaters in the old AA Book of the Road I always carried and then bought the two ounces of Red from me at four times what I 'd agreed to pay for it .
3 This was no reincarnation of some centuries-gone swashbuckling master-mariner , but even so — surely this was n't the man she 'd agreed to work with for the next few weeks ?
4 I made a mental note that I must n't say anything to annoy my prim secretary , at least until after she 'd agreed to help with the business the next evening .
5 Quatar announced in February 1988 that both sides had agreed to resort to arbitration by the ICJ .
6 Once Shawcross had agreed to lead for the Government in the debate on the compromise clause , the possibility of a damaging resignation receded .
7 Despite her declaration of a state of emergency yesterday and the government 's announcement early today that the rebels had agreed to return to their barracks , the events of the last six days can only be seen as a colossal confession of weakness on Mrs Aquino 's part .
8 The landlord insisted Mr Brady had agreed to leave of his own free will , and he was not assaulted .
9 In a concluding press conference Bush stated that both countries formed " a family " and had agreed to proceed with negotiations to achieve a US-Mexico free trade treaty which would benefit both economies and increase their competitiveness on a world level .
10 With nothing to do but wait , Trent had agreed to act as sail-master on one of Belpan 's sand lighters in the regular Sunday race meeting .
11 The firm had agreed to act as a supervisor under the Companies Creditors Arrangement Act for the United Maritime Fishermen Cooperative in December 1987 .
12 A second letter records Mr Bomont 's pleasure on being told by union representatives of progress in tidying the room and that Dr Marshall had agreed to abide with the university 's requirements .
13 In June residents of Sacramento , California , voted to shut down the $342,000,000 Rancho Seco nuclear plant , and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District , which had agreed to abide by the vote , immediately began to implement its closure .
14 In the aftermath of the Vietnam war it had agreed to take in those fleeing from the persecution of a vindictive regime and agreed to resettle those who fled by boat .
15 On Aug. 28 Carlos Lehder Rivas , a former Medellín " drugs baron " currently serving a life sentence [ see p. 36278 ] , had agreed to testify against Noriega in return for a possible reduction of his prison sentence .
16 Japan 's colony of Korea was occupied partly by Russian troops and partly by the US in 1945. prior discussion among the allies had agreed to aim at international trusteeship followed by independence , but superpower interests and conflict between Korean independence groups rendered agreement on unification impossible , and the two sides became increasingly polarized .
17 The shipment had originally been scheduled for May — the first of some 10,000 tonnes of rice which the South had agreed to barter during 1991 — but had been delayed by US objections .
18 Serb President Slobodan Milosevic had agreed to arrange for the convoy , carrying 125 tonnes of food , to spend the night in Bratunac on the Bosnian side of the border .
19 Barry had been invited to the hotel by Moore who had agreed to co-operate with the authorities in their campaign to acquire evidence of the mayor 's widely alleged use of illegal drugs .
20 Barry had been invited to the hotel by Moore who had agreed to co-operate with the authorities in their campaign to acquire evidence of the mayor 's widely alleged use of illegal drugs .
21 This was believed to be the first time that an international bank indicted on US money-laundering charges had agreed to co-operate in an investigation against specific individuals .
22 Amid continuing calls by opposition parties for his resignation and sporadic anti-government protests , President Carlos Andrés Pérez on March 10 announced that the centre-right Social-Christian Party ( COPEI ) with the second-largest representation in the legislature , had agreed to join in government with his own ruling Democratic Action ( AD ) party .
23 His pleasure that Curzon had agreed to serve under him had quickly evaporated .
24 ( On the formation of the NAR administration in December 1986 Gordon had agreed to serve as a minister for a period of three years . )
25 The talks came to grief after the separatists insisted that the government , or perhaps the ruling Socialist party , should publicly acknowledge that its representatives had agreed to negotiate with ETA on the Basque country 's political future .
26 During the summer , and I called into the hospital on several occasions and I was reminded that I had agreed to participate in the ‘ fun run ’ and I decided it would be a good publicity gimmick and improve my chances of sponsorship if I took along and pushed him around the 10 mile course .
27 On Oct. 24 a list was published of 24 banks which had agreed to participate in the first level of syndication of a US$5,000 million loan to the Kuwaiti government .
28 With Churchill 's prodding , the British Chiefs-of-Staff had agreed to participate in the operation , albeit in modified form , and on 31 August an Anglo-Free French expedition set out from Liverpool .
29 Reports of the EC initiative suggested that Dumas as well the German Foreign Minister , Hans-Dietrich Genscher , had agreed to go to Iraq before the expiry of the Jan. 15 UN deadline .
30 They had been approached beforehand and had agreed to go to Luxor and back as members of the Prince 's party .
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