Example sentences of "[vb past] told the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She told Spruce more or less what she 'd told the Archdeacon of her contact with Mrs Marr in London at St Sylvester 's Betterhouse mentioning Racy without revealing that he 'd phoned her on Sunday .
2 What would have happened , she wondered , if she 'd told the woman the truth , that it just might be the end of the world , that she could n't keep going through the days this way , plodding from home to work and back again , with nothing to devote her energies to , nothing to occupy her thoughts — except Nicolo , and how much she despised him ?
3 He only saw Emily Groundwater once again in his life , and that was at a soirée at the Heathertons ' , to which he was invited because the Professor had told the chaplain of Paul 's impending journey to Oxford .
4 Whether Luther really referred to Copernicus as a fool has been doubted , but in an off-the-cuff dismissal he remembered that Joshua had told the sun , not the earth , to stand still .
5 ‘ The gardeners had told the king that he could n't have pigs and flowers , because pigs eat flowers .
6 Councillor Buchanan said yesterday that when the Scottish National Party gave up as the minority administration in November , the provost had told the council the SNP would relinquish all committee chairmanships and vice-chairmanships .
7 Mr Buchanan said yesterday that when the Scottish National Party gave up as the minority administration in November , the provost had told the council the SNP would relinquish all committee chairmanships and vice-chairmanships .
8 He had told the legate in 1095 that he knew very well what needed to be done , but that he had no power to do what was necessary without the king 's aid and consent .
9 Gray had told the board he needed three years to build a top side .
10 Her doctor had told the jury she was not on the pill and knew of no tests .
11 The penalty was imposed primarily as a result of evidence provided by the victim and in spite of the tenor of the earlier summing-up by the judge who had told the jury that it was dangerous to convict on the evidence of an alleged victim alone .
12 The report ended with the information that the judge had told the jury that it would be very dangerous to record a conviction without independent support for the girl 's story .
13 The judge had told the jury of what they had to be satisfied before convicting any of the accused , but the case cried out for a direction which amounted to the reverse side of the coin , namely , that they should not convict any person who was in their charge simply because of his association with others .
14 Curtis had told the driver to park the unmarked police car as near as possible to the alley entrance at the rear of the Eldorado apartment block .
15 Q. Did he tell you that he had told the attorney general about the diversion of money ?
16 Orchis is Greek for testicle , which is what the roots look like , and Lydia had told the company so , because Mrs Molesworth , gazing fondly and favourably on her husband , had divulged that he had bought her orchids on the recent occasion of their wedding anniversary .
17 The doctor had told the boy to leave and get his father , but on their return the doctor appeared at the door of the hut and handed the boy 's father a baby girl wrapped in his wife 's shawl .
18 At some length and in careful detail I had told the story of David Damiani , Kanaan Abu Khadra , Fatima Zamzam and of another Palestinian woman , Rifka Boulos , who had lost land in Jerusalem .
19 He had told the story so often that such a literal-minded version seemed unnecessary .
20 It was jealousy , I suppose ; the fact that I had spotted a chance they had not , although I could n't get over the suspicion that their reaction to me had something to do with how Liza had told the story .
21 Harbury gaped to hear she had told the editor .
22 So many times I have heard someone tell me how they wished they had told the person now dead how much they loved them .
23 Mr Richard Aiken , counsel for BBC Enterprises , had told the court that a decision on whether to continue the BBC Europe service should have been made at the end of November but had been deferred until a meeting of the directors on December 29 .
24 Mr Donovan had told the court that he was ‘ humiliated and disgusted ’ by the article published in the magazine in August , 1991 .
25 Mr Donovan had told the court that he was ‘ humiliated and disgusted ’ by the article published in the magazine in August , 1991 .
26 Mr Roache , of Wilmslow , Cheshire , had told the court he was ‘ devastated and humiliated ’ by a November 1990 article which said he was smug and self-satisfied like his screen character and had been universally nicknamed ‘ BKB — Boring Ken Barlow , ’ a reputation he had earned both on and off the screen .
27 Mr Leach had told the court that Curtis had been a staunch supporter of the anti-smoking campaign and that his father had died from lung cancer .
28 RAF corporal John Williams and his wife Selina had told the court they 'd seen cocks fighting … as they drove past the layby .
29 Paul Ferris was acquitted , but Mr Thompson had told the court that he had no faith in the police to deal fairly with him or his family .
30 Harper had told the court he twice briefly lit tufts of hay in order to see better in the darkened barn .
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