Example sentences of "[vb past] put them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The crux of the matter today is that those children were not listened to or believed when they complained to the very people in whose care we had put them for protection .
2 More than that , the caring crème de la crème were also confronted by the result of what had put them at the forefront of that generation in the first place : they were very good at what they did ( teaching , lecturing , theorizing , media of all kinds , creativity of all stripes ) , and they were becoming , perish the thought , Successful .
3 Since then be had put them on shelves around the room .
4 Otto turned out to have measureless charm and the most courteous manner , and in slow , correct English told us of how he had perfected his tactics in Baltic exercises before the war , how he had put them into practice in the Atlantic , and how , on the night after his capture , he had played bridge in the day-cabin of Captain Macintyre with one of the ship 's lieutenants and the captains of two merchant ships he had sunk , and then slept ( for Captain Macintyre was in his sea-cabin ) in Captain Macintyre 's bunk .
5 Harriet had put them in her smaller guest-room which had a double bed .
6 He had put them in a place where the risk would be minimal and he had not pumped the gun the maximum number of times .
7 Someone had put them in a box and thrown them into the canal .
8 The house was fall of memories ; but even to call them memories was to imply that Jack had put them behind him ; and he had not .
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